While we were out in Utah visiting, we asked Joel if he would share 10 fun facts about himself with us and are so excited for you to take a peek at what he had to say!
Contest is now CLOSED! Congratulations to Allison CB for winning 10 yards of Joel Dewberry's Atrium Fabric!
#iamafreespirit @freespiritfabric
#iamafreespirit @freespiritfabric

I don't think I have anything in common with Joel. I hate to mow the lawn and my first car was a PINTO!! Still I love his fabric.
My first car was an '86 Chevette!
I'm the second of 7 too!
Hey you guys.... I love the goonies! I love the patterns left in the grass when other people mow it. I love rainy days (it's supposed to be storming here and it hasn't happened yet, still waiting) I love Joel's designs (that wasn't on the list but I'm sure he likes them too)
I love The Goonies! I watch it every chance I get, even if I catch it in the middle of the movie.
Sandy A
re#5- I also love Goonies, and my grandmother is from the town where it takes place: Astoria, OR. We used to spend our summers there when we were kids.
I like the Goonies tooo and my Mum taught me creative mowing!
I love rainy days also. Curled up under a quilt, watching a good movie is a favorite thing to do on a rainy day. Thank you for the chance to win some beautiful fabric. Take care and God bless, Cory
I've never (ever) mowed the lawn and my first car was a 79' Malibu, but I do love rainy days as long as I don't have to go anywhere!
I've never seen the Goonies ( I know, oh horror!). I'd love to tour New Zealand, by helicopter or otherwise. I do love Joel's fabric though and I currently have some set aside for a special project.
I think the only thing I have in common with Joel is that we both come from big families.
I love rainy days too!
(My first car was a Cor......
Aha! I am the second eldest of seven kids, and have spent a lot of time in the back country of NZ, just not in a helicopter. I wonder why he was visiting? Tramping? Heli-skiing? Thanks for the giveaway. Tarnia.hodges at gmail.com
I LOVE rainy days! I tend to see even more. Or, iron and refill fabric just because it is fun!
I love rain, especially! stormy or quiet drizzles, it's all wonderful!
I am crazy for your fabric designs! I dream of covering the cushions of my wicker set with your fabric!
Thank you for a chance to win some!
I live near Joel Dewberry in Utah and agree with both #8 and #9!
Goonies is a pretty great movie, ive passed it down to the next generation (my children) also falconry would be a skill to have, especially if there is ever a form of apocalypse you could have note sender/ small animal hunter/eye in the sky type relationship with your bird 😉
Sadly, i have heard of none of those bands.
I too love rainy days- a good excuse to stay in and curl up with a good book and a cup of tea, or spend more time sewing! Thank you for the opportunity to win some gorgeous fabric! Patti (pattimamaATgmailDOTcom )
I'm a Chevette "survivor" too! Mine tried to kill me when it died on a hill on the highway outside of San Francisco! Love, love, love Joel's fabrics!!
Rainy days are few and far between here in Arizona and I love them too..... Also love Joel's fabrics.
Goonies never say die! And I had the best nap of the year today while it rained so hard that I couldn't see past my front porch!
I am an excellent wrapper of boxes! I love rainy days. If they're somewhere I am not! My first car was a pinto. I did have a chevette years later, though!! I love Joel's esthetic - his fabrics are fab!!!
My husband's favorite movie is Goonies.
I like rainy days when I can stay at home and stitch or curl up with a good book. Excited about Joel's new line. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I also love rainy days! And I'm also the second oldest... from a family of two children. :)
I love rainy days...and rainy nights. If it's raining, I have to have my window cracked enough to listen to it, no matter how cold it is outside. I haven't toured New Zealand by helicopter but I have toured Kauai by helicopter. And, Joel, if you're really interested in falconry you will know the name Jim Nelson. I worked in the same office with him for a few years. So, we do have a few things in common, including a love of fabric for quilting.
Love pattern making while mowing the grass! And Joel's fabrics!!
Rainy days are the best days. Its a good excuse to stay inside and sew with some of Joels fabric. Im from New Zealand, and Ive flown over some of our beautiful country in a helicopter, even got dropped off in on of the national forests by helicopter for a week. - Louise lu.missen@gmail.com
I'm obsessed with rainy days, and everyone thinks I'm crazy because I would rather have the rain than the sun.
I love rainy days! Living in Arizona they are so few and far between, they are so refreshing!
Given the opportunity, I'd love to learn falconry too.
I would love to tour New Zealand but I haven't had the chance yet. I like rainy days but only because we don't have too many of them!
I love rainy days too. Great days to relax inside and get in some sewing! Can't wait for the new collection.
I remember liking Goonies as a kid too. I watched it with my 9 year old daughter and she said it was the scariest movie she has ever seen!!, WHAT???? Rainy days rock
I also love rainy days and I like to think I'm an awesome beatboxer. I mean, I'm probably not, but I like to think I am. :)
I love Rainy days, coming from the bay area part of California I used to have them so much and miss that I don't have them as many at all in arizona. I love disney and have been to disneyland so many times I've decided I'm going to get a disneyland yearly pass as well as visit disneyworld soon with some of my best friends
I also love rainy days. I have no idea what falconer was. I had to google it. I think that would be pretty awesome too.
I live in New Zealand, where Joel has toured! Excellent holiday choice! I also love rainy days and if I could have any car it would be a '76 'vette (Corvette Stingray!) 😊 Just love this line!!
The only thing we have in common is that we both come from big families. The beat boxing thing cracks me up though: my son attended a beat boxing performance and drove us all crazy for the next several months as he attempted to beat box constantly!!!
i love rainy days, too! that was at the bottom of the list and i was getting worried that i didn't have anything in common with joel until we got down there. lol. i use his fabrics a lot, so that's maybe something we have in common, too? hiselegant and beautiful prints put him in my personal top 5 favorite designers category!
I love music and can often be found dancing in the kitchen. I love rainy days as they are an excuse to stay indoors and paint, draw or make things from fabric.
I love listening to music and can often be found dancing in the kitchen while cooking. Rainy days are a good excuse to stay indoors and draw, paint or make things, usually from fabric. I have been to New Zealand and been inspired by it's beauty.
I love rainy days, too! I am most creative on these days! Love Joel's fabric..just made a quilt using his Birch line!
I love rainy days too. Can look outside and watch and feel all cozy inside. Also love the sound of it bouncing on the roof.
I like to mow the lawn, too. I never approach it the same way! And rainy days? A favorite of mine because I can sew guilt free if it's raining!
I love rainy days and nights. Love to work on quilts when it is raining.
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