Phew! Another Spring International Quilt Market has come and gone and we are certain you are going to love, love, love the fabrics we have created with our Designer's. This market found some of your favorite designers introducing new substrates, new designs, new Lifestyle products plus new patterns and books. So much newness, you will be overwhelmingly inspired to sew, quilt, organize and hand stitch everything you own.
For instance, Anna Maria Horner introduced her
LouLouthi line. Greek for the name flower, LouLouthi includes cottons, v

oiles, laminates and her special new needlework (printed cross stitch) fabric. To go

along with these gorgeous fabrics whose colorways are named after her daughters, are her four collections of hand-picked colors of size 8 Anchor Pearl Cottons and six-strand Anchor embroidery flosses as well as fabric covered sewing and lifestyle covered craft boxes. Edging all of this, were spools of LouLouthi single-fold bias binding in 1 1/8" and 2 1/4" widths, perfect for easily binding a quilt or edging any sewing project. All t

hese new products deserved a celebration . . . cupcakes iced in the perfect LouLouthi colors, of course.

Leaping into our hearts, and almost certain yours is Tula Pink's
Prince Charming. Now you don't have to kiss a lot of frogs to find your true Prince Charming,Tula has done that for you. Do, though, look for Tula's signature hidden surprises in her new collection. By the way, Tula's booth won an award for best decorated single booth.

Verna Mosquera's
Tea Cakes created the perfect tea party atmosphere. Complete with cupcake pin cushions and appliqued candy canes and sweet treats, Tea Cakes will give you that feminine touch.
Valori Wells once again wows us with her Wrenly Collection. Showing these co

ttons, sateens and voiles in a comfy suite-like setting, you'll love the clean bold prints and all over florals. Wrenly is also great for combining with Val's linen collection
New FreeSpirit designer Mark Cesarik enlisted Etsy sewers to create a special o

ccassion dress as well as children's clothing, purses, tote bags and more to display in
Calypso Swing fabricated booth. Mark also introduced a second collection Morning Tides due out in July.
Rowan designer
Amy Butler brought new popular
Soul Blossom collection to market in some gorgeous new subs

trates; rayon, corduroy, voile and organic cotton. Each of these new substrates are incredibly soft, including the corduroy, perfect for clothing or a summer quilt.
Joel and Laurie Dewberry were on hand to introduce J

oel's new Heirloom collection, available in cotton, sateen, laminate and voile. Laurie designed fashionable patterns to accompany this beautiful collection which is Joel's take on his mother's, famous crafter Donna Dewberry, signature flower, the cabbage rose.
Also on ha

nd to promote their fabrics where
Jennifer Paganelli who also launched her new book A Girl's world; Erin McMorris with her colorful
Summersault fabrics and Jenenean Morrison's retro-looking
Silent Cinema.
Pernilla's Journey from Tina Givens was introduced. Featuing whimsical sea horses and child like elephants, Tina's new cotton and linen collection was inspired by a story book she used to read over and over when she was a child.
Heather Bailey introduced a new substrate, canvas, in her Garden District collection. The canvas is a nice weight suitable for home dec projects. Also in sateen, Garden District will be available in August.

But that's not all. George Mendoza's
Color of the Wind, Nel Whatmore's Sleeping Beauty,
Jazz City from Art of Possibilities,
Dena Fishbein's Taza,
Donna Dewberry's Glorious Garden plus two Holiday collections;
Kathy Davis Ambrosia and Dena Fishbein's Kumari Holiday were some of the other collections seen on fabric for the first time at Market.

out these awesome collections were a plethora of finished products including
Designer Essential fabric bundles and
Ty Pennington Impressions fabric kits, panels and lifestyle fabric covered boxes.

It was a hetic but very exciting three days and we wish all of you could have been there to meet our designers, shop the show and just have

plain old quilting fun!