Thursday, May 19, 2016

FreeSpirit Presents Juliana Horner Our NEWEST Designer!

FreeSpirit is proud to introduce our newest designer, Juliana Horner. Juliana Horner is an artist based in Nashville, Tennessee. The oldest of seven children and daughter to textile designer Anna Maria Horner, Juliana grew up in a largely creative household. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in fashion design at Pratt Institute in 2014, and has since been broadening and refining her creative skills in many areas including illustration, textile and garment design. Living in both Nashville's musically-enriched culture and the artistic capitol that is New York has helped cultivate Juliana's multifaceted approach to creating. She finds the energy to design fabric lying in between spastic episodes of drawing, playing various instruments strangely, going on hikes and browsing untouched corners of antique stores. 

 Juliana's art could quickly be described as cute and ethereal with an unexpected depth. She cycles between flowers, faces, objects and amorphous shapes with an expressive style. Stream-of-consciousness doodling fades in and out of realistic depictions and scenes. She is interested in illustrating both clear human connectivity as well as the changing colors, shapes and thoughts that live in the recesses of our minds which we can't logically make sense of. By combining these two ideas, she hopes to convey a beautiful truth. 

Juliana gave some insight on how her creative process flows at this years QuiltCon in Pasadena, CA. She shared snapshots of her artwork as well as a sneak peek at her debut collection. 

Here is a look at her debut collection "Fast Friends" shipping to stores in August 2016!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Visit us at the International Spring Quilt Market in Salt Lake City, UT!

Spring Quilt Market is in Salt Lake City, Utah this year and FreeSpirit is excited to present our designer's newest collections that will begin shipping in the coming months. As always, we will be showcasing beautiful quilts, apparel, accessories and more featuring designs from your favorite fabric designers!

Our newest designer Juliana Horner, daughter of Anna Maria Horner, will be at the show presenting her first FreeSpirit collection, Fast Friends. And many of our designers are participating in the schoolhouse sessions - be sure to come to room 255E to hear them share all the details behind their newest collections. Featured speakers are Amy Butler, Anna Maria Horner, Joel Dewberry, Kathy Daughty, Tula Pink, and Juliana Horner.

We are honored to be a part of Tula Pink's 20th Collection celebration featuring 'Slow & Steady' shipping to stores in September of this year. The collection features Tula's favorite animal features, this time including the story of the 'Tortoise and the Hare'.  Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for more around this wonderful celebration and if you are lucky enough to be visiting us at Quilt Market be sure to swing by the our booth for a chance to win special bundles of Tula fabric!

Amy Butler and David Butler will be in their own booth, #2717, located near the FreeSpirit booth. Amy is hosting a book signing on Friday May 20th at 2:00pm for her newest book 'Piece Keeping' as well as Blossom.

Be sure to visit our booth (2701 & 2709) for more details on everything you've read about here. And, if you can't make it Market, don't worry, we will be sharing pictures on social media so you can feel like you're a part of all the fun! Best Blogger TipsShare/Bookmark

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Electric Quilt Company 25th Anniversary Giveaway!

Congratulations to our winner Sonia Brathwaite!
Don't forget to check Electric Quilts BLOG to see if you won their prize as well! Thanks to everyone for participating!

We are excited to partner with the Electric Quilt Company for one of their giveaways to celebrate 25 years! We want to give you a chance to win an EQ7 (valued at $189.95)! Submit your email below for a TWO chances to win and to add ONE more chance you can also follow us on Pinterest by clicking that link below as well!  If you want to win even more, check out their blog post for a chance to win FIVE FreeSpirit bundles of our True Colors fabrics by Amy Butler, Anna Maria Horner, Joel Dewberry, Tula Pink, and Heather Bailey! Hurry the contest ends May 25th!
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