Did You
Know? 10
Facts About Heather Bailey!
1) I did not graduate from high school. On
a whim, at the beginning of my junior year, I applied to my parent’s alma-mater
university. And to my surprise, I was not only admitted, but offered a
Leadership Scholarship. After my freshman year of college, living out of state
and entirely on my own, it was surreal to attend my would-be high school
graduation as a spectator. And yes, I did graduate from college.
2) My sister says that physical humor is
my hidden talent. When I play Charades or parody a groovy Golden Platters dance
from The Brady Bunch TV show, I am 100% committed. Her personal favorite is my “Foxy Lady” dance to the Jimmy
Hendrix song by the same name.
3) If God had blessed me with a talent for
singing, I would write folk songs and play a mean acoustic guitar. I might even
dye my hair a funky color and wear drippy macrame fringe. There is still hope
for the guitar portion of this fantasy. However, I must admit that I have
started classes to this end on three occasions and I still only know two
4) My childhood family nickname was “Finder Girl.” With a photographic
memory, I had an uncanny ability to find lost articles by “flipping through the
pictures in my mind.” My memory is not quite as sharply photographic as an adult, but
I am still very good at finding things.
5) I am a patented inventor. I created a
new hair-styling tool which can replace bobby pins, hair elastics and
headbands. I cheekily named them Trash Ties, after the twisty-ties we use to
seal plastic bags. I offer them today in tons of colors, each with a
fully-photographed, 16-page style guide at HeatherBaileyStore.com.
6) When I was eleven years old, I took the
universal girlhood horse-loving phenomenon to new heights by becoming a trail
guide for a nearby stable. After cleaning stalls, applying ointments to old
horse knees, reconditioning tack and shoveling straw, an older friend and I
would saddle up a number of the horses and lead customers on trail rides
through the golden hills of San Francisco’s East Bay. It was dreamy.
7) I boast an odd assortment of
meaningless, but funny, celebrity encounters. Claire Danes stepped on my foot
repeatedly when filming the opening sequence for the movie, The Mod Squad.
Cameron Diaz grabbed me on the shoulders and shook me as she brightly
exclaimed, “I’m in the wrong trailer!” She was dressed as a mustached man at the
time—so this definitely
qualifies as weird. (She was in disguise for the movie, Charlie’s Angels.) Drew Barrymore doted
over my oldest son while he smiled up at her from his stroller. James Franco
asked me to make him some sterling silver hair combs for his girlfriend. David
Arquette saw me making said hair combs and started up a crafting conversation
with me. To top off my brief Hollywood experience, I once wandered my way
through an unmanned security station at the Oscars and found myself on the red
carpet. THE red carpet. I was in a tee shirt, jeans and sneakers and was
carrying a large stack of books from the patent library. Very elegant.
8) I believe that running is one of the
most convenient forms of exercise. However, I have had a difficult history with
running. In high school, I joined the cross-country running team, but never was
able to fully run a 3-mile race. My lungs would burn and I would become faint
and dizzy. In college, my apartment was right next to the university’s track field, so I
gave running another try and failed. I tried to master running at least two
more times as an adult and failed again. It wasn’t till after my youngest son was born, when I
was thirty-six years old, that I finally figured it out. I had told myself to
give it one more try, but with an all-new approach: find some help and take it
This time
around there was new technology available that didn’t exist during my
previous attempts. I used an app on my phone called Couch to 5K which
instructed me when to run and when to walk. For the first few weeks, I didn’t feel like I was even
exercising. However, within a few months, I was running as far as six miles in
one go. I am still stupefied by this. It turned out I was pushing myself too
hard when I was younger and not easing my way into it. Go figure.
9) I love to knit. I asked for basic
supplies for Christmas my freshman year in college. During the break, my mom
showed me how to cast on and introduced me to the two basic stitches, then
promised to help me more once I returned home in the summer. I couldn’t wait. By the time I
was home again a couple months later, I had completed two fisherman’s-knit sweaters—the ones with the
intricate cables and whatnot. (This was before knitting had its comeback.)
Later, when I entered an apparel collection into the school’s fashion show
competition as a Junior, competing against the graduating Seniors, I won the
coveted, top award of Best Overall Line. The Seniors were not so thrilled. I
believe it was the one-of-a-kind hand-knit sweaters that won me the show,
including a few sweaters for which I had hand-spun the yarns on my own spinning
wheel. Yes, I was a college co-ed who kept a spinning wheel at the foot of her
bed and knit during class.
10) If you haven’t picked it up from the
other facts above, I definitely have an inner hippy, though I don’t think this comes
across upon first impression. I like to bake bread from freshly-ground wheat
and make homemade greek yogurt. I spin yarn, embroider and keep a garden when
my design schedule permits. In my dream life, like Marie Antoinette once did, I
would build a quaint village next to my home to play out my pastoral fantasies.
I would dip candles, sheer sheep, raise chickens, and supervise pony rides for
children. I would have an orchard and a robust garden. Heck, while we’re at it, let’s turn those village
buildings into guest houses and host sewing and self-improvement retreats.
Imagine us all sitting around the campfire with old quilts wrapped around us,
singing folk songs, sharing stories and playing charades. Yeah, it’s a good dream.
Share with us what you have in common with Heather and be entered in to win 10 yards of her new fabric collection!!
Congratulations to our winner Abbey... she also enjoys running!
#DesignerSpotlight #iamafreespirit

I, too, am known in my family as the person who can remember all things, or find things. Doesn't work as well now as it did 20 years ago, haha. Amazing interview. So MUCH to Miss Heather. Love it.
I have followed and admired Heather for a few years now. She is an inspiration! I would love to see her follow up on that last dream and don't think it would be out of her reach to accomplish such a thing! Fun times would be had by all!
What do I have in common with Heather Bailey, I have many children, a love of lots of crafts including knitting, making jewellery (which is my income), quilting, and more, butterfly minded I call it!
As I was reading, I was beginning to think that I would have nothing in common.... but then I came to the knitting. I also love knitting, although I'm pretty well stuck on easy projects. I'm also an "old hippy" with several piercings...and a tattoo...was a vegetarian for years...canned my own goodies from my own garden, etc. Those were the days of my past but an old hippy never dies! Thanks for the generous giveaway!
I also embroider and garden.
Fascinating facts! Funnily enough I have little in common with Heather however I do agree with number 8 I just don't actually do it myself!
I have an inner hippy too - bring it on!!
I am also a "Finder Girl" with a great ability to find lost items! This works well with a husband who constantly loses things! carolann427@aol.com
I totally identify with #3 and would love to be a country singer but it ain't gonna happen!! I adore Drew Barrymore and my husband met her at a party once! She seems like such a sweet person.
I too have a bad history with running. I would love to love it but not yet.
I loved reading Heather's 10 Facts - they were all interesting - a VERY fun read! I agree 100% that the "Couch to 5K" is a fabulous new technology - I downloaded this app a couple years ago and it is the BEST - I too am in awe that I can now easily run mileage - I was nodding my head the entire time I read #8 - I could have written the exact same thing.
I also have a photographic memory and can find lost things by doing the same flip through in my mind. Another thing that we have in common is the fact that I didn't graduate high school but went to college and graduated the same as she did. Rina
I also have a inner hippy. I am a business woman, designer, and full time mom. I dream of having a running farm some day with fresh milk and eggs and a garden full o vegetables and fruit. I enjoy knitting and anything crafty.
Well I wish I could pen that we have numerous qualities in common but alas I cannot. However I too have invented the Roberts Rolling Quilt Wall and am adept finder of "things". Have enjoyed using your fabrics on several projects. Keep up the good work!
Wow! Talk about an accomplished woman! Heather, you are an incredible inspiration to everyone you touch. Unbelievable drive, motivation and creativity!
I'm sharing the article with my college-age daughter!
What do we have in common? Well, love of fabric and design, to be sure, and horses, gardening, baking and chickens.
Thanks so much for opening up to your Free Spirit fans and providing such a positive message!
This was so much fun to read and learn more about you Heather!!! So fun!!! I know how you feel about the whole running thing. My FIL is the cross country coach and has been for 25+ years. This year, my family decided we should run the red rock relay, of course, they all ran in HS, I on the other hand was a swimmer. I am trying to learn how to run and train, but after hurting myself the first week at it, I am learning to take it slow and build up strength. here is hoping I will be ready by September ;)
I also tried to take up running several times, with little success despite playing tennis, netball and soccer reasonably well. Now, 3 children later, I can finally run more than 100m at a time. I was also trying too hard earlier, and eased into running a bit more this time. I love the tip for the C25K app, I will be trying that next - thanks!
I skipped high school graduation too! Wow radical! I got into University a year earlier (and skipped all the senior drama in High School!!)
I learned to knit when I was about 13 and then knit during sorority meetings in college. I was also good at finding things but was called eagle eye. I hope I can be lucky and win a generous giveaway.
inner hippie who loves to knit and dreams of the perfect pastoral life! i also cannot sing and have used the c25k app to train myself to run (which i promptly gave up shortly afterward).
I don't have a photographic memory, but I am really good at finding things and telling people where things are. Someone will ask where something is and I will say, "It is in the 3rd cabinet from the fridge, 1st shelf, on the left by the blah blah blah." My friends find it pretty cool that I can be that specific.
I was not called a finder, but eagle eye for my ability to find things and I learned to knit in 5th grade and knit all through college sorority meetings.
As a child and to today I am called not "finder girl" but eagle eye for my ability to find things. I also started to knit early and knit through college sorority meetings.
I am an inventor but not patented. And I love running. I was better at it when younger - but am working my way up to 5k and beyond...just waiting for it to get a bit warmer.
I also have a good photographic memory and love to knit! I think that might be where the similarities end though!
My life seems quite tame by comparison, but like Heather I do love to run. I stopped when I was pregnant but it seems to me the right time to get moving again. Couch to 5km sounds like it's worth a look
I don't know that I have much in common with Heather in reality - I would love to be able to knit more than dishcloths & scarves, I can usually find stuff but I don't have a photographic memory, I used to run (started in elementary school) but haven't lately, I don't think I have any hidden talents or celebrity encounters to mention. I would like to have a garden & host quilt retreats though! Thanks for all the interesting info :)
a inner hippie is a great way to describe me too! oh if we could live in that creative world! this inner hippie would be estactic to win the fabric on April 17!!!! awesome giveaway!!!
I would have to say it's the inner hippie. I love to embroider and sew. I taught myself embroidery when I was a young teen and embroidered my bib overalls. Thanks for the chance to win some beautiful fabric.
#7 I've had an odd celebrity run-in. I've twice seen Fabio. ☺
What a fun idea! I felt a kinship with #10! I always thought I was born in the wrong century because I always loved making bread, jam and loved the idea of pastoral living. Of course complete with little cottages supplied with pretty colored quilts and quaint chairs. We would all wear white flowing dresses and wrap up in our quilts at night around a bonfire and sing until sunrise!
I love to crochet and knitting is on my "want to learn list". So many fun things to learn about you! I think we all have a little bit of inner hippie in us :)
I became a runner after I had my second child.
I'd have to say the one have I most in common with Heather is number 8. I was never a runner and suffered from asthma. At 26, I took up running with a friend and after 6 months of training, my very first race (ever) was a full marathon. And I haven't stopped: I have 10 full marathons under my belt, about twice as many half marathons, 10k's, 5k's, and even a 212- mile 12-person relay.
What a great interview! Like Heather, I had quite a photographic memory, especially when I was younger. In an exam, I could go to a book in my mind that I had read, thinking that quote is on a page in the middle of the book, right hand side, down the bottom and 'read' it again. Very handy!
Like Heather, I was not blessed with a talent for singing, and would love to play acoustic guitar. I can also knit, but am not in the same league as Heather, not even close. I really like her designs and wish I had even a smidgen of Heather's talent.
The running! It took me a long while until I learned to like running, and eventually run a half marathon. I need to look into that app!
I too love to knit. I learned when I was little and have knitted all my life. Having recently discovered art tarns and homespin yarns I am keen to try spinning now so I can knit with my own yarns. Thanks for sharing and for a lovely giveaway.
I do have a few things in common with Heather - I lived in San Francisco Bay area for quite a few years - I love to knit - I also would like to keep chickens - and I too graduated from College (San Jose University). her fabrics are brilliant and it would be fantastic to win some - thanks for the chance.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
Umm..yeah pretty much nothing Heather sounds really awesome, only #7 the lead singer of KISS chased me down a hallway, and Heavy D offered me money if you want to know more of that story you will have to write me😉
I didn't graduate from high school either. I was homeschooled starting in fourth grade. I attended one semester at my local high school, but the curriculum was not rigorous enough for me. I went to the community college instead, attaining my AA degree while my peers got their high school diploma. I transferred to a university, where I got a BS in business. Then I got a master's degree in linguistics. All without a high school diploma.
I definitely had the same experience with running. I could never run more than 1 mile--ever. And even that was during my annual health physical in gym class. When I was 33 I did the couch to 5k and it changed my perspective on the 3 miles forever. By the time I felt like it was exercise, I was running further than I ever had before. I've done it for several years now and love it! My favorite is winter running (I live in Cleveland). Thanks for sharing!!
Hippie at heart, corporate by necessity! Sew, knit, sculpt, etc. etc.
Was also the family finder as a child and it's still in effect today. Hubby will call me at work "Do you know where I left my "fill-in-the-blank"" And I usually know!
Would also LOVE to have my own little 'compound' of sorts. In fact am planning on putting in several Tiny Homes on our acreage when we retire for guests and possibly paying visitors.
Such fun!
Well, I too was horse crazy in my early teen years. But was not able to take it nearly as far as Heather did! I've also had a lifelong desire to play the guitar, but classical, not folk. Guess we are never to old to learn. Thanks for the chance to win some of Heather's luscious fabric!
#4 and #10 could be me too!
I am a finder too! My skills work best finding things in books - I can remember roughly which page and roughly where on the page specific things are. It works in other areas of life too, but same as Heather, it has decreased with age.
I love to knit and my mom taught me to
knit also!
I was a college co-ed who did cross-stitching in my free time. I even made my husband to be a cross-stitched bookmark that he still has! Thanks for the article- LOVE it!
Heather has such a great way with color and design. Maybe I love her style so much because we are both inner hippies. I wish I could say that I learned to love running as an adult, but I do not think I will ever be a runner.
My inner hippy wants to live in Heather's village!! It sounds like an amazing life to me. I've also used the couch 2 5k program and loved it! Although I can not run six miles :)
I am a HUGE fan of Heather's. I, too, learned to run by slowly working my way up. I can sing but can't play guitar (I desperately want to learn).
I also have an inner hippy :) she's great fun as she does all the fun stuff that my responsible me wouldn't do!
I love to bake, spin, knit, sew, craft handmade lotions and creams and I adore pattern and colour.
Let's hope that we both realise our hippy dreams of a life on a small farmstead one day!
I'm working on running and boy did my throat burn that first day. I'm still working on runny band hole to run a half marathon.
I have a photographic memory too! Plus I went to the same high school as Heather! She was a year or two behind me but she mentioned where she grew up on her blog once and I totally remembered her.
I've always had an inner hippie side and it spills over into my everyday life and horses and horse riding were an a session, like many young girls. The last time I rode was 7 years ago in Canada where I had ride cowboy style, very different to English riding.
I too have inner guitarist inside but really only know a few chords! LOL!!! That too will change...
Love the facts!!!
Heather and I share "celebrity encounters" although her encounters are much for interesting than mine! I've bumped into (literally) Richard Simmons three different times in three different airports over the last 20 years. What do you suppose that means?!?! Love Heather Bailey and her fabrics!
I love to knit, too, and my mom taught me as well!!
I got my first horse at 13, did the whole trail rides and horse shows, always rode bareback or western.
I am a definite hippie from the sixties, have been baking my own bread for 40+ years, cooking from scratch, gardening, composting and all sorts of crafts, quilting being my main one.
Thanks so much for the chance to win some of your gorgeous fabric!
I like to embroider too. Whilst I don't knit I love to crochet, that counts right?!
Wow- such interesting stuff!! I can totally relate to the running thing..I'm not so good at it! I've started couch to 5k once and then stopped..starting it again soon!
Oh and love all the fabrics!
I am a very slow runner as well. I hated it when I was young, but on a whim registered for a half-marathon. I started with the couch to 5K app and eventually found I loved running.
I would also love a pastoral orchard/garden. But spare me the animals.
I, too, cannot sing. (If I could, I would sing jazz.)
I have a horrid memory and no interesting celebrity encounters, but I definitely share her inner hippy traits! I bake bread and make yogurt and can't wait to get some chickens!
Love all the fun facts. I totally relate to the Couch to 5k thing. I used the app to get myself started and just ran my first 10k six months later. Now I'm mentoring a Couch to 5k program!
I've have had a odd encounter with a celebrity , while at our state fair I was sitting in the front row of a free concert and turned out to be Jim Belushi . He came down off the stage and took my hand and led me out to dance when he promptly stomped on my foot .
I also ran cross country in highschool and tho I crossed even finish line .. Just barley :/ I would be in tears , my legs would be wobbling beneath me and my lungs would be on fire :/ . Good times :p
I too used to try to run and failed over and over. Then a neighbor friend and I started the couch to 5k and now we run all the time! It really is amazing! By the way, love you and your hair!
I too have tried running and it just won't take. I can't breath and get a terrible pain in my side. Hearing your story makes me think I should give it one last try. Thanks for the inspiration! -Angel
I can totally relate to the #10 fantasy! I dream about that all the time! :)
Knitting is my second creative hobby, behind quilting. I have a tendency to jump right in learning things and my first knitting attempt was an entrelac scarf.
Well, I'm scared to death of horses. They intimidate me! However, I do love to hike. Living in NC gives me so many opportunities to do so! The mountains here are probably totally different then those Heather traveled on. Yet, I like to think we both enjoy the outdoors!
I have an inner hippie to. I dream of selling everything and going off grid. Not likely but but I imagine chickens, babies running around in handmade dresses.
Similarities: #1 - I applied to med school without finishing sciences pre MCAT (have an Arts degree) but got in and got the entrance scholarship & didn't think I'd even be accepted so was planning to travel for a year
#3 - got an acoustic guitar to teach myself on my year of travel that never happened- still need to learn!
#4 - was called Eagle Eye to locate missing items for people & definitely photographic memory in school. Likely how I got my scholarships (university degree was full scholarship too)
#6 - when I was 11 I went to horse camp fell in love with horses now own a ranch a couple miles down the road and breed horses
#7 - numerous odd celebrity encounters here as well one involved my husband and I walking in on a singer while she was undressing and boy he will never forget that one (not naming who!!) & once I was helping out Leonardo DeCaprio and ended up being late picking my husband up from the airport! The next day I received flowers (likely the assistant thanking me as knew made me late) but my hubby hasn't forgotten that one!
#8 - was on cross-country team in high school - as an adult ran the Rock n Roll half marathon in Phoenix after having my kids (4 of them)
#9 - learnt to knit when I was 7 still have my first togue and hangers I covered in rainbow yarn!
#10 - very similar dream - make bread yogurt too have huge vegetable garden and sew with my girls making some clothes too. Loved Little House on the Prairie growing up!
What a great give away & neat Ten facts!
I too have had real struggle with running...and only after doing couch to 5k was I ever able to run any distance. I too have a closet hippy in me..I have a 1970s yogurt maker and love using it with my oldest I made all of her baby food and taught classes on it I love making home made bread with freshly ground wheat. I dream about making my own cheese. I too have always had a dream of being a folk singer and playing my guitar but have never had the opportunity to learn to play....also I didn't graduate high school..I felt I had better things to do and got a full time job then took the GED which gave me enough credits to get into college.
I have been an avid knitter in my younger days hanging out at wool shops and patting and stroking wool just like I do now with quilt fabric. Problem was, the minute I knitted something for my boyfriend for some reason we would split up. Hence I did not knit anything for my current husband until we were married. I have not knitted for a long time but now I am going to be a grandma so I will get the needles out this winter and knit something sweet and cute☺
Like Heather, I became a runner in adulthood. During high school, I couldn't even last a mile (huffing and puffing all the way). I've since realized just how far these old legs can take me... completing four full marathons, a couple of halves, and several shorter races.
As a city dweller, I also share the same dream of having a lovely little working farm of sorts, complete with chickens and sheep. Bees would be nice, too!
I also live to knit and spent my childhood on a horse. :)
We have a bit in common, I love to knit and learned before it became cool again. Although I prefer lace shawls to fishermen sweaters, my first project ever was an Icelandic sweater college with colowork. I run because a good pair of running shoes are cheaper than a fun membership and I've made some great friends in running groups. I have joked with friends about building a compound so we can all live together, sort of our own village. I've always wanted to learn guitar but more if the rock variety.
Love your collection and your designs.
I use the word "dreamy". A lot! I also make my own Greek yogurt!
I also did not finish high school and I love baking bread and making yogurt ect. Love heather bailey fabric!!!
I tried running once - and failed. 😂😂😂😂
I lurve to knit, too! I had horses through my sophomore year in college, and every time we see a grey horse on a movie screen my husband turns to me and tells me not to cry!
Aside from growing up with Heather, I am the finder of things in my home too. I also love our Arizona garden and fruit trees! I love making jam, apple butter, and raisins from our crops. And even though I was a runner in HS, I fell out of it after three surgeries. I'm just now starting to run again, just in time for our AZ summers.
I also love to knit! I think that's the only thing we have in common :-)
I'm 36 and just started a couch to 5k! I'd love to be running miles in a few weeks.
Well as I was reading along, I kept thinking I wasnt going to find anythingin common besides sharing the name Heather
But I also love crafting and sewing
I was taught embroidery at a young age.
I taught myself to sew 8 years ago and haven't stopped since
I too spent many of my college days knitting. I especially like to make big sweaters using big needles and stitches. And I played the guitar. I still remember at least three chords! And I love Heather's fabric! So we definitely have the same taste in design and color too! Thanks for the great giveaway!
I can relate with #2. When growing up I would watch The 3 Stooges, Jerry Lewis and other comdiens and mimick what they did just so I would make everyone laugh.
I would love to be a runner too, but I have a hard time getting motivated and keeping up my stamina. I downloaded the Couch to 5K app just now though, so hopefully it can help me too!
Heather is so cool! I am also terrible at running. I should probably try again.
I have also done couch to 5k. :)
This was so much fun to read! I especially loved your ideal hippie life - so many of those things make me happy too! But I think our most common link would be the love of knitting. Once I started I never stopped!
It's not listed in the top ten but the one thing I have in common with Heather is that we both have lived in Gilbert, Arizona.
I would say there are several similar quirks in my world. Probably most relatable is #10. I would like to have my own little village of friends and sustainable life. I would like to be able to bake and garden...without having to be entirely dependant on living off the land. Fun facts. Thanks for sharing.
I don't know if I have too much in common with Heather , but we do share a love of music. I play the piano and wished I could sing better but I love it. I likely won't ever play a guitar but love the piano and guitar combo. Oh, and I just love her fabrics!!!! cherisetoweratyahoodotca
What an interesting person you are! Number ten is one I identify with a lot. Inner hippie/do it yourself /pioneer.
I too, was crafty in college: I spent WAY too much time making party dresses for my roommates. But I just loved the creative outlet!
Ii don't call it an inner hippie; instead it's my past life as a frontiers-woman. Quilting, spinning, sewing, canning, raising chickens, growing vegetables....
I have a great memory. My brothers often ask me about things that happened to them as kids, because I remember the stories. I also love t knit.
I also have an inner hippy in me!
I think the thing I have most in common with Heather is my "physical humor." On more than one occasion I have embarrassed (and even injured) myself by being too wild in attempts to impersonate people or making a ridiculous face that is caught on camera. I also dream of a big garden one day!
I'm a "finder girl" in my family too!
I also graduated from college without first graduating high school. And I love fabric!
While it wasn't a spinning wheel... I was the only one I knew how bought themselves a sewing machine as their college graduation gift. And my gradschool graduation gift to myself was an even better sewing machine. I love to garden too!
I loved reading through all of these! So fascinating! Instead of learning to knit in college, I learned to sew. No awards won here, but it's a skill I have developed since then and still enjoy! Other than I am married to an patent holder, I think that is as close and I can get to Heather from these facts.
I too have a bit of a photographic memory!
I can find anything too. The best was when in college I had the messiest room ever but I knew exactly where my deodorant was in under which stack of clean clothes I could find my shoes. I count you, Heather, as my celebrity encounter when I saw you at JoAnns. But there was nothing awkward about it you were so nice. I also love the garden. The running thing. Give me four more years at the age of 36 and maybe I will like it too 😜
I was surprised to find that we do have something in commom...in fact 2 things! I too didn't graduate from high school but my story doesn't end as "smartly".as yours. I also have had encounters with celebrites. I stood next to Jerry Lewis without notici g because I was watching his stunt double do his scene. I also came face to face with a man I. A grocery store during a movie being shot outside...the man was Steve Martin. He was wearing a dark wig so I didng recognize him. He looked down at me at me and said "hi there" in a very Steve Martin kind of way.
I can't find things, definitely can't run unless something is chasing me, but I love knitting!
All I can say is: running! I tried and failed several times, but I think I've got it this time! Turns out slow and steady does win the race after all!
I'm a runner to and am all to familiar wit pushing myself too hard to soon and giving up... I'm also familiar with signing up for half marathons and not training properly or at all for them but still completing them. I'm running my 5th one in August and this is the first one I am seriously training for, aside from the first one!
I also have inner hippie! And a garden! And I love to sew :)
I love to play the guitar! I did put it aside until this Christmas when Mr Handsome surprised me with a Baby Taylor.
I did not knit in college but I did sew. I made several of the dresses for our touring choir.
Totally relate to the running story. I've tried to love running so. many. times. I've even tried to follow the couch to 5k but always skip ahead bc of course I think I'm farther along than I really am anf then just quit after a while!
I love the idea of living like Marie Antoinette and having a play house next to my real house! I would embroider, sew and bake all day long! What a dream!
My Mom refers to me as her Berkeley Hippie, I knit, and (in total dreamland) picture myself with an acoustic guitar on a bar stool playing folk songs. Thanks for sharing, Heather, and for the chance to win!
My mother also taught me to knit though I'm not much of a knitter
I'm a knitter, too! It's very calming and more portable than sewing.
I find I have 2 things in common with Heather. I also seem to have the photographic memory. I remember correcting my mom all the time and I could find and fix anything. I also have found running to be very difficult. I have never enjoyed it or been able to endure a long run. I may have to look up that app and see if it would work for me too. Thanks for sharing!!
I too, have aspirations to SOMEDAY play the guitar. However, now that I have a baby, that dream will not be coming to fruition anytime soon, but someday . . .
I ran cross country I high school too! Hills were my least favorite thing to run but now I live in a hilly part of the country so I've come to enjoy them!
My nickname as a child was "elephant" because apparently they never forget. Although it's not as charming as finder girl! I used to memorize grocery lists. Completely random memory tricks were my specialty. Too bad it fades with age!
I also have a weird celebrity thing. I meet celebrities but don't recognize them until after the encounter. I met Harry Connick Jr once in a dog park. We chatted for 45 minutes while our dogs played and I had no idea. I thought he looked familiar so I asked him if he worked in the same building as me. Good thing he was kind about it!
I ran cross-country in high school too! Hills were my least favorite thing to run but now I live in a hilly part of the country so I've come to enjoy them!
I have a love for the beautiful, richly colored Heather Bailey fabrics, just like Heather does! I, too, like to "create" and be crafty!
I love baking bread from freshly ground what too!
I love to knit, I took a class when I was in college. I love heather's fabric designs, my fingers are crossed.
Inner hippy!
I learned a lot! What an exciting life! What we have in common, our birthday!! Go Leos! I have a few star experiences: Shania Twain touched my hand and Steve Marriuchi blew me a kiss after a St Louis Rams game!
No google account- Amy Campbell, MO
#4, #10!
Finding! I have this weird ability to find 4-leaf, 5, 6, 7, and even 8-left clovers. I just walk along and look, there they are! Needless to say I often pressed them so in a lot of the books I have from HS and college, they will randomly fall out. I also love learning how to do forgotten arts- the best anthropology class I ever took was the pre-industrial technology class, in which we knapped stone, made slate ulu blades, and other fun stuff. No spinning for me (though that's on my list) but instead, basketry.
I love reading these fun facts about Heather! I also enjoy knitting and would love to someday learn to spin my own yarn! Thanks for the generous giveaway opportunity!
I love to knit and I am a neo-hippie!
I graduated from college, like baking bread, and need the app Couch to 5K
I was a horse lover when I was young, also. I collected many model horses and to my dismay one year when I was probably away at college my dad got rid of them. HORRORS!! I rode throughout my teens and I have to say the most fun time was in Burbank, CA at a horse ranch near the airport, as I recall. If I win, I will be making cute clothes for my granddaughters with the fabric!
Like heather I ask so have an inner hippie that you wouldn't know to look at me.
I also started College before finishing High School...mostly because I couldn't fathom spending another 2 years there (that and all my friends already were in college!). Pretty cool that you can do that!
Wow! Heather is amazing for more than just her beautiful fabric designs! As for what we have in common...I can't play guitar either :-D
I was also a horse lover when I was young! I had a pretty impressive model horse collection and one year, probably when I was at college, my dad got rid of my collection - HORRORS! I started riding in 6th grade and had friends with horses we rode in high school. My favorite ride has to be the summer before my senior year when my best friend and I stayed with her grandparents in Santa Monica and we rode at a horse ranch in Burbank, CA. I remember it was near the airport. If I win the fabric, I will be making some cute skirts for my granddaughters!
I too have learned how to run in my "old" age. The apps do make a difference. I still don't enjoy the running but the benefits are nice. I also like to knit but mostly small things like socks and hats.
the trick for running... just run slowly. My college teacher told me this and yeah, it works! I had tried before and only felt exhausted...
I am a finder girl too and think running is the most convenient form of exercise :)
#8 - I too used C25K to start running--- what a great program. I am up to five miles and love it!
#10 - although I think of it as more of an inner pioneer than inner hippie, I keep chickens and have a small garden, and dream of running my own little mini farm. Probably will never happen though!
And of course, I am sure we all share a love of Heather's beautiful fabric. My favorite quilt that I made strongly features her Pop Garden fabrics. The new Clementine is beautiful too--- I adore the orange color throughout.
I too struggle with running though it has been the best way to stay fit with me too. I love to garden also and I would love to do some of the homesteading ideas she has but life takes a different turn
Although I love Heather's fabric designs ever so much, it seems we don't have much in common. I have, however, tried and failed to love running up till now. Maybe I should try that program!
I wish I had more in common with you, I only share #9 with you, and maybe #8.
I'm an inner hippie too! I'd happily come dip candles, knit, and garden too!
I was an avid horse rider around the same age, and participated in many horse shows and trail rides.
I was late to running too, and only finally got there when a friend challenged me to do a half marathon in Cambodia. Slowly, slowly, but I got there
I'm a later in life runner as well! I didn't try as hard as Heather did in my younger days, I would run for gym and just think "I can't do that". But a year after I got married, my husband decided we were going to become runners together. He literally had to drag me off the couch. But we increased our mileage slowly (couch to 5k wasn't around yet) and ran a marathon by the end of that first year. And I'm with you, running is definitely the easiest way to get exercise! I also had an uncanny gift for finding things on my boss's desk (back when I had an office job). His desk was a mess and he traveled a lot. People would come to me and ask me to find something and I never failed.
I am a couch to 5K person. I find running is the easiest exercise for me--get up early before everyone else and walk out my door. It's liberating! :)
#6: I loved horses. When I was in Middle School, I'd go to the boarding stables and muck the stalls for free, climb up into the loft and watch while the horses got their shots...all such fun!
How fun! I would love to have that ideal country life too -- but also have a full time gardener and house cleaner to keep things going. :) I also have never been able to run - stitch in side and shin splints almost immediately. I might have to try out some different apps!
Running. I really want to run but haven't had success yet because my knees hurt. Going to look into couch to 5k. Thanks for the tip!!
I realized reading this that I might not have much in common with Heather because she is incredibly brilliant! I do have a photographic memory but I am sure it's not up to par with Heather's. She is amazing!!
Loved reading this! I'm a knitter, too, and a spinner, and a baker, and can't play guitar worth a hoot. Thank you for the generous giveaway. Have a great weekend!
My inner hippie would totally get along with your inner hippie. I tried hard to master the acoustic guitar but my lack of musical talent was a major stumbling block. Still considering the strange hair colors!
I like #10. I would LOVE to sit around a campfire with an old quilt around my shoulders! I garden, bake lots of bread, and love to quilt. I have admired Heather Bailey for years. Some of her fabric is in my All-Time Favorite Fabric stash in my sewing room!
#8! Running is so hard, so rewarding, so draining, so convenient, so uplifting all at the same time!
What I hope I have in common with Heather is finding the joy in creative activities and being unapologetic for pursuing my passions. I also am trying to learn guitar
I too love to knit. I am a real old hippie chic and can really play the guitar but I sing like a frog. Thanks for this. Love this Heather Bailey collection.
Nothing in common excepy the love of fabric. 24Tangent@gmail.com
I too love to make...sewing, needlepoint, bookbinding, bake...macarons are my latest obsession..love your fabric and would love to make a quilt with it....
Growing up in Nashville provided plenty of music celebrity encounters---a few include a lengthy, fun conversation with Loretta Lynn while we waited for baggage check (back in the old curb days), getting stuck in an elevator briefly with Chrissy Hind, and receiving skunk odor removal advice from Ronnie Dunn while at Home Depot. Thanks for the super generous giveaway!
I too have an inner hippie! I love knitting, try to play the guitar and sing terribly! About to learn how to spin yarn too!
I also run and I think we have the same religion.
I love to knit and I also had difficulties about running... yeah, slow down is the key
You've lived an interesting life. The only thing that we have in common is a love of knitting.
Also the closet hippie! Kumbaya, sister!
I run with with an app too, and I love to knit!
I like to knit too
I have always said that I am allergic to exercise! However this year I decided to see if I am a runner. I too have tried in the past and failed at this. But this time I took it slowly and I am now running short distances and getting further and further each day. I think my inner runner is coming out!
You and I are both guitar playing wannabes. I always dreamed of playing and singing with my students or on camping trips. I even have on on the wall i bought for $15 at an auction. Im thinking of decopaging it in my fav fabrics!
I wish I had wandered onto THE red carpet, but our true common denominator is the knitting :-)
-madfabriholic at gmail dot com
I would give anything to have that kind of memory! I think running is absolutely the most convenient form of exercise as well. I also love folk singing and am not great at it. I would really like to hear more about why she was in a place where Claire Danes would be stepping on her feet numerous times filming a movie!
I'm fun loving and happy person. Friends always say they feel happy when they come to my house.
Other than that, I love all the design and colors Heather creates. She is one of my favorite designer along with Dena.
I have many things, knitting, starting guitar but not finishing.... They jokingly call me the hippy doctor... Love to garden and do things as naturally and healthy as possible.... I find great inspiration in Heather's work and love to see with her felt and fabrics.
I knit too! And love it!
Love to bake bread with my freshly ground wheat!
Knitting! I learned as a child, but started knitting more regularly after university. This was a really fun read.
I have tons in common with Heather. I love to knit, bake from scratch, and run. I cannot sing or play guitar either, but I secretly wish that I could.
I also wanted to be a singer, but can't, I get stage fright. And just like you, I learned to run using the Couch to 5k app and actually ran an entire 5k! Love your designs!
I am amazing at finding things. My kids find it very helpful and love my skill but I think my husband is jealous. I don't use a photographic memory but rely on logic and an orderly mental recreation of events. My husband is generally very orderly and possesses no finding skills of his own. He really needs me if he loses something but he fights every step of my process and ends up owing me an apology when I eventually save him.
I adore running love the time and space it gives me to think and generate ideas. Lovely collection. I've been a fan since fresh cut!
I too have an inner hippie and a photographic memory. The latter can become awkward when you run into someone and you know you know them but can't remember how, or what their name is. (For this I'm grateful I haven't had celeb meetings. I'd probably just act like we're old friends until I realized I knew them from a movie!) Great interview! I love Heather Bailey fabrics.
What do I have in common with Heather Bailey? As a child I was horse mad. I love to bake bread, embroider, knit, crochet, sew and paint. Also love to garden and have 3 children. In my dream life, I also would love a orchard and chickens!
I too find things, I knit, garden, sew, bake, cook and all other things Heather mentions as being a secret hippie though I have never thought about it that way. Wish I had brought my knitting to class like Heather, but never had the nerv to...
I'm crafty too! Ha. But the thing that I find most interesting that we also have in common is that " visual memory" I am not quite organised but can most usually find what I need by trying to remember the last tme I saw it. It drives my fiancee nuts!! haha :-)
I'm a bit of a hippy at heart, too. I prefer to stick to natural things and I love to make all of our food from scratch. I love to bake bread, and even grind my own flour.
Wow, I'm afraid I don't have too much in common with Heather aside from a passion for sewing and crafting, and we both have bangs. Oh, and I also did the Couch to 5K program, which is how I blew out my knee, and then my ankle, once my knee healed enough to run again... sigh! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! :)
Well I am not nearly as interesting but I do bake bread. Or at least rolls.
I once belonged to a group of musicians, I can sing okay, but not great. I play couple different types of ukulele, but I can't read chords except for the two major ones. I play by memorizing the chords. I must admit I can dance better than I can sing.
AND I also have a little streak of the inner hippie chick. Especially being born in the time of "groovy", peace signs and flower power, I secret adore what I call "hippie groove". Especially I home decor.
What do I have in common with Heather? Besides a love of fabric, I too have a dream to rock the guitar but have only tried lessons once, and have failed miserably! Good thing we have other talents to fall back on!
My husband calls me the "finder of lost things" I find everything for everyone. Once in awhile, I can walk on his jobs ( he's a contractor) and find things he's been looking all day for. 😉
I have an inner hippy, too! I often begin sentences with "This may sound a bit hippy, but..." For example: This may sound a bit hippy, but my pregnancy with my daughter was so improbable that I believe she chose me and chose her time. She's my little Mini Me (she looks just like me) and she's so perfect and wonderful that even strangers comment on her. And just to make it perfect, her name is CLEMENTINE! (She also has a scallop bunting in her bedroom that I made from Fresh Cut fabric.)
When I was 29 I took up "running". I got a book at the library I think or a magazine. And the whole program was starting slow. Like really slow, maybe a shuffle. And I made it up to 3 miles. Sadly I quit when I started working nights as a nurse. Now I am about to retire, so like Heather, I will try again. And start slow!
I was and am very much the "family finder" which is somehow satisfying and frustrating at the same time!
I was a hippy . Made my own Madras long dresses and knitted everything.. That's what we have in common. I also had a Knit Shop for 18 years. Lots of fun! I would love to win your fabric.
I also have a photographic memory that helped with odd things like lost objects as a child. Now I have the problem where I can't remember when I saw things where. I can picture setting them down but I am not sure that is the last time I set them down...I would love to win your fabric.
I also have a photographic memory that helped with odd things like lost objects as a child. Now I have the problem where I can't remember when I saw things where. I can picture setting them down but I am not sure that is the last time I set them down...I would love to win your fabric.
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