Monday, December 30, 2013
The Fox said . . . you are a winner!

Thursday, December 26, 2013
Quilting creates community. Sharing the joy with fellow quilters

Monday, December 23, 2013
Get your Fox on!

Fastest Holiday Gift Ever!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Faster Holiday Gift Idea! The perfect Hostess gift!

Monday, December 16, 2013
Fast Holiday Gift Idea!

Play With Color to Create a Whimsical Design
Indulge in your inner artist or Alice in Wonderland. Using these tips will help you build the color confidence to create a playful, creative quilt—the kind that will spark the next imaginative idea.

Thursday, December 12, 2013
Foxes abound . . . fun and playful projects right on trend!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Sleep n’ Read Travel Pillow, the perfect hideaway for every kid’s treasures

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Cooking in style, Mom n’ Me Aprons

Fox Playground

Have you noticed, Foxes are hot? Perhaps it is the infamous YouTube video, “What Does the Fox Say,” with nearly 260 million views. Or maybe it is just that FreeSpirit Fox Playground by Dena Designs is just too cute not to be in vogue, especially for the discerning young lad! Here Dena, tells you what inspired this collection, available now at your local quilt shop. Stay tuned. We may not be able to tell you what the fox says but we can inspire you with fun and easy foxy projects and maybe a giveaway or two!
I have always had a huge love for fabrics and pattern mixing. When my son, David, was born (many moons ago), I had trouble finding a fabric that was just right for his nursery. As I began thinking of ideas for a new Free Spirit baby boy collection, I wanted to create something that would make you and your baby feel happy. Foxes riding bikes seemed to be the perfect subject to start out with and it just naturally developed into a collection using fun color combinations and patterns. Foxes and their woodland friends can be found riding bicycles, driving cars, and posing in hand painted picture frames. These fun foxes are just what I would have wanted to create everything from bedding to pillows to curtains in my son's room. There are also small scale coordinate patterns like chevrons and wobbly polka dots that would make fun mini-flag bunting, or for trim around a pillow. The hand drawn animals with big personalities could even be fussy-cut and adhered onto a onesie or jacket for a quick, simple embellishment. In my studio, we used the multicolored collection to create a special little teepee that's perfect for hiding out on a rainy day. Fox Playground comes in a variety of color ways, so you can play around with mixing and matching the patterns together. I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Relaxing Resolution! Keep calm and sew!
Editor’s Note: If you sew and quilt, we are certain you are well aware of the therapeutic nature of these creative crafts. There is something magical about taking flat pieces of fabric and creating a dimensional item. Research has proven that sewing does offer health benefits. We invited our friends from the Sewing & Craft Alliance to share with you the therapeutic benefits of sewing.
If your 2014 New Year’s resolutions include getting healthier, you may be surprised to learn that picking up a needle and thread can help. Most sewing enthusiasts will talk about disappearing in to their sewing spaces and not coming out for hours. But did you know that there’s more than creativity going on in there?
Clinical studies have revealed the stress-reducing benefits of sewing, proving a stitch a day could help keep the doctor away. The former Home Sewing Association commissioned a study which compared five different home-centered pastime activities that used similar eye-hand movements and involved both experienced and novice sewers. Using biofeedback technology, changes to physiological indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure, and perspiration rate and skin temperature were recorded. The results indicated that sewing not only helped the women to relax mentally, but the subjects experienced drops in heart rate, blood pressure and perspiration as well.
The stress-busting results come as no surprise to custom clothier, author and sewing educator, Mary McCarthy. Mary agrees with the study results and adds “When I am in my sewing studio, my mind takes a mini-vacation from outside worries and influences. Stress melts away as I manipulate the fabric and thread and begin to see a project take shape.”
Joyce Perhac, Director of the Sewing & Craft Alliance concurs. “A hobby helps you to escape from the pressures of everyday life, if only for a short time” she says. “In addition, for those who love to sew or quilt, the feelings of accomplishment you gain from expressing your creativity can improve your confidence.”
Activities such as sewing are good for kids too. Sewing stimulates a child's creativity and serves as an effective tool in building self-esteem.
Cherice Taylor, owner of Making It Sew Fun in Chicago agrees. Cherice offers sewing classes for adults and also teaches children ages 6-13 how to sew. She states, “Sewing isn't the only skill a child masters. They learn to complete what they start, problem solve, learn from their mistakes and exercise patience in the process. Their focused attention is calming to the soul,” she adds. “Developing these life skills boosts a child's self-esteem with each completed project.”
So as you are making your New Year’s resolutions, a plan for a healthier lifestyle should include a good diet and lots of exercise, but consider including stress management activities like sewing as well.
The Sewing & Craft Alliance (SCA) provides education and creative resources to sewing and craft enthusiasts as well as retailers, manufacturers and educators. SCA offers free learn-to-sew articles, SEW-lutions Education Guidelines, free project sheets and interactive opportunities for the sewing community. Visit them at www.sewing.org.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Fun gift to make!