How does your childhood influence your sewing and quilting today? Did you have the opportunity to live in a tropical or foreign region and do you still carry that experience with you? Was your family a crafting family and how has it influenced your creative lifestyle?
Comment between now and August 31 and six random commentators will win six, 1 yard cuts of Jennifer's newest FreeSpirit collection, Happy Land, along with her newest book, Happy Home!
FreeSpirit Happy Land by Jennifer Paganelli |

Wow - what a generous giveaway!! Fingers crossed that being the first comment is lucky!!
Her fabric is just gorgeous. She is a very talented designer.
Happy Land is such a neat colletion. I can see using this in my kitchen and dining room - it has a 60s retro look to me
Lovely fabric! Although my Mom didn't sew, I have wonderful memories of sewing with my Aunt and my Grandma when I was little. Grandma made all of her quilts by hand, using fabric from old clothes. I have three of her quilts, which I treasure!
My mom didn't enjoy sewing much, she found it tedious, but she was still willing to bust out some truly awesome costumes and treats on her machine when needed. I taught myself to sew starting in High School.
I never lived anywhere tropical. Born and raised in the suburbs outside of Baltimore, MD.
i just love this fabric!
i am making far more dresses than i ever thought i would be able to, for my little girl. my sewing skills have definitely expanded, and i'm really happy with that. thanks for making such beautiful fabrics to work with :)
My Dad was an engineer - and could make ANYTHING work. My Mom sewed clothing and could also fix ANYTHING. So I create whatever comes to mind and rarely think I am limited in what I can make. Now I just need time to do it all!!
Beautiful fabric! I love the bright colors.
My mother always had a craft or sewing project in the works when I was growing up. She is definitely the reason I learned how to quilt. Thanks for the chance to win!
I come from a crafting family, sewing and quilting mostly. They were always around being worked on. I made most of my clothes in HS, and still love sewing.
When I was a child I went to kindergarten were there was this wonderful lady. She used ro read to us kids alot, and she had a mesmerizing voice, just beautyful. She also taught us to sew. I don't know how many stuffed animals I made, and I still have the tote I made, learning to use the sewing machine... I think those experiences has given me the confidence to know that I can sew, and that problems when sdwing is possible to solve! All thanks to that lovely lady!
I wish I had the experience of living in a foreign country as a child but have been very blessed to travel. My mom and sisters and I all craft and just love to do so together. Lovely fabric!
When I was just 5 or 6 my mom started teaching me how to crochet, knit and sew. I remember, especially, during the colder months, that we were sitting next to each other each working on a project. I have been crafting ever since and love it.
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway and the chance to win.
I've never lived anywhere but England and no one in my family sews but I'm from a farming family and I've always lived in the country and this has fostered my love of the natural world
I live in Puerto Rico and colors here are vivid all year thru. My grandma was a seamstress and she taught me how to sew. I started with small dresses for my dolls and then sew my own clothes as a teenager, something not seen that much these days. I still don't quilt but I'm sure I'll do some day. For now I enjoy sewing for the home and bags. Every now and then I also sew clothes.
My mom sewed all the Halloween costumes for my brother and I. I do quilts, but have yet to do a garment!
I grew up doing some fun 70's crafts - we made our own leather-tooled pocketbooks (mine had a cute toadstool). I also did copper enameling with my mom - amazingly I think that that kit is probably banned now - a table-top kiln that probably reached 750 degrees, plus the asbestos pad that we used to cool the white-hot art pieces. It was fun, though!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!
My mom taught me to knit and crochet but she never quilted and that is what I love to do!! However, my mom's sister went to school to be a seamstress, so it was just a matter of time for me to discover my inherent love of fabric!!
My mom has always sewn...growing up I heard the humming of the machine until late in the night. I didn't catch the "bug" until my late 20's and in my late 30's I can honestly say...Hi my name is Bianca and I am addicted to sewing. :)
My mom has always sewn...growing up I heard the humming of the machine until late in the night. I didn't catch the "bug" until my late 20's and in my late 30's I can honestly say...Hi my name is Bianca and I am addicted to sewing. :)
How lovely! I would love to win please!
Love Jennifer's new line! I grew up with a mother that sewed-she did most of our school clothes, made us clothes for Christmas and all of our prom dresses. She made my sister's wedding dress and she crocheted mine.
I love the picture of the fabric above, if the rest are this pretty its going to be a great line. Thanks for the chance!
i would love to win thanks
I had an unconventional childhood so have sewn all sorts from a young age including yacht sails. I'm no longer fazed by any fabric but I'm still drawn to the sea having spent many hours messing about in boats and getting very wet.
I love Jennifer's designs as she well knows and they never fails to make me happy and upbeat.
Very nice giveaway-thanks for the chance!
My family definitely is crafty. My mother still has several projects going at one time. My grandmother was a knitter, crocheter and sewer, among other things. We all like to keep our hands busy.
That was a really neat video. I enjoyed seeing her process.
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
I have lived in the same house and ommunity all my life - which is an original 'founding father's' homestead - so very aware of the traditional fabrics and quilting/quilts. So love to add some whimsy and fun and color to show there is more to quilting in a very old school type community.
I traveled a lot growing up, so I always look at unexpected combos. THanks for a chance to win!
My Mother sewed all my sisters and my clothes growing up.Probably out of necessity and her love of sewing.I picked up the sewing bug from her.My sister did not like sewing.I use to make my clothes and even made a spring coat with bound buttonholes. Now I just like to make Quilts.I love fabric even if I just look at it in my stash.
My mother sewed for us from the time we were born. She claims she didn't care too much for it, it was done by necessity, but everything she made was perfect, and even as young teens we were thrilled with what she made. I began sewing in 7th grade, and at age 54, I'm getting back into it again & loving every second!
Jennifer creates beautiful fabric! My mother made many of my clothes & made quilts when I was growing up & I am influenced by her. I started sewing when my daughter was pregnant with my first grandchild and made all her maternity dresses. The first quilt I made was for that first grand child. I pieced and quilted all by hand just as my mother had. Now 12 years later sewing is a big part of me and many quilts, totes, pillows, dresses, skirts have been made. Sewing is as necessary as breathing for me. : )
This is such a glorious range of fabric! My mother sewed for me from when I was very little! She even made us swimming costumes! So sewing is in my blood, I expect!
Venho de uma família de costureiras de vestuário,bordadeiras,tricoteiras e que tais.Fui a última de minha geração a aprender alguma coisa de costura,antes gostava mais de coisas de mão e ainda gosto.De uns dez anos para cá resolvi aprender costura e não parei mais.Hoje faço um pouco de tudo.Moro em um País tropical abençoado por Deus e bonito por natureza,BRASIL inspiração não falta,o que falta é tempo para tanta coisa bonita.Obrigada.
I would love the opportunity to win! I am definitely one of Jennifer's biggest fans!
My grandma was probably my biggest influence, she was always working on something :)
I grew up in a remote rural grain farming part of Saskatchewan and my parents were both artisans, though they probably never thought of themselves as anything but resourceful. Mom sewed all of our clothes and between she and Dad they made everything ... lots of cool things ... fabric, wood, metal ... all kinds of materials ... whatever was handy. I think all of us kids appreciate anything handmade and we all are confident working with our hands.
These fabrics ARE SO LOVELY!! I'll wish and wish.
Fablous fabrics and this photo is just beautiful!!.
My mother and grandmother sew and I loved play with the machine but I began sewin sixteen years ago when I wanted to sew my clothes and now I quilting more than sew clothes.
Yes,I love sunny days and bright colors in summer seasons.No crafting family,but I love play with fabrics,before to sew my own clothes and now quilting!!
How does your childhood influence your sewing and quilting today? No, I didn't know anyone who quilted
Was your family a crafting family and how has it influenced your creative lifestyle? No crafting going on growing up, but my sister and I both dabble.
Always lived in the US.
Thank you for offering such a generous giveaway! My grandmother was a professional seamstress in NYC and my grandfather owned a knitting business/factory where he designed children's sweaters and employed many women. My mom sewed her own business clothing and my dresses and dance costumes until I was old enough to do it myself. To this day I love fabric, designing and sewing.
I have fabrics like this in my collection from waaaaaaay back when. I started collecting fabrics when I was a very young child and I still have some wool and silk crepe from which my own baby outfits were made many decades ago. I didn't actually start sewing until I was in my twenties and that was back in the 60's. Unfortunately, I'm sewing less speedily than I am collecting so we have a bit of an imbalance. :-)
I love all of her fabric lines! They make you feel so happy1
We grew up with mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, etc. sewing. It was a necessity of life because store-bought clothes were too expensive. I made my own clothes until my third year of college. And, in the last six or so years, started making quilts. My mother is my quilty mentor with more than 65 years of quilting. Making clothing is not a necessity anymore and quilting is good fun to share with each other and my little grandnieces. They will love this line of fabric!
lovely fabric thank you for the chance to win
I had the best Halloween costumes ever. My mom was an artist and could make anything. I also had the best school projects!
Boppiesgirl at gmail dot com
My mom would occasionally sew for us as children. I remember her toiling and sweating making my Madrigals outfit for senior year. She was not a confident seamstress, but hew work was beautiful. I never knew why she doubted herself! My sister was ALWAYS doing craft projects which included painting rocks, counted cross stitch, crewel work, etc. I was always jealous of her work.
I do come from a crafting family and I am a very sentimental person so my past influences my present day choices. My Mom brought us fabric shopping with her when we were little and that's where I learned to feel fabric and take pleasure in it's beauty. Playing with fabric is a delight that I still enjoy.
What a fantastic giveaway! I love everything I have of Jennifer's. Her work is perfect for my two girls.
Kimberly 4throse (at) bellsouth (dot) net
Wow! That's a lot of fabric. I have quilt ideas already...
My mom sewed and crocheted, but never taught me how to do any of it, I wish I'd been brought up doing it. On the bright side though, now that I'm sewing, I've inspired my mom into starting again, so I'm thrilled about that!
Jennifer is my favorite fabric designer because she literally "gets me." Her fabrics are modern vintage and I've used them on everything from home goods to tunics. I loved watching the video and watching her creative process and winning a yard of her fabric would be wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity!
I was lucky enough to live and work in 8 different countries and I do believe it keeps me open to all kinds of quilting approaches. There was always some kind of crafting, knitting ( though no quilting) going on at home - and the science background from my dad makes me appreciate the more graphic & mathematical aspect of quilting.
Love JP's new line - thanks for a chance!
I think the fact that my Mom sewed and my Great Grandmother crocheted, did influence me as a child. They both taught me their art as a young girl and I have enjoyed being creative.
No, my childhood does not influence how I craft. I didn't live in a for away land. I just like to craft things that I like.
ginger c at gmail dot com
Thanks for having a great give away.
I don't come from a particularly crafty family, but my mom did sew and taught me a little. Thanks for the chance! The colors is this collection are just fantastic.
What a generous giveaway. Thank you.
My mum used to make a lot of our clothes, especially dresses for me! I hated dresses! She started her own business where she made school uniforms for most of the school! She found quilting a bit by chance but it took over and it eventually rubbed of on me. Now I can't think of anything better, and I hate making school uniforms!
My mother always sewed so I grew up wanting my own sewing machine. By the time I was 13, I'd saved enough money for an old Singer. I loved playing with the fabric scraps my mom gave me. Even today, I love fabric - scraps or yardage!
Love the beautiful colors of these fabrics :0
My family wasn't really a crafting family. My mother sewed, but stopped long before I showed any interest. I taught myself every craft I've ever taken an interest in, and that has made me a very independent and fearless crafter.
I love Jennifer Paganelli's fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway :)
My family is very artistic, so it's in my blood. I love to create. Not just quilting, but sewing, painting and all crafts. I feel at home when I make something from scratch. I've liked the fibers arts, because I feel it is the epitome of home and love.
Previous generations of sewing women have definitely influenced my habits. Being lucky enough to move to a tropical country as an expat has definitely changed by preferred colours to a much brighter palette.
My grandmother claims she taught me to sew (I remember it differently) but I have loved it since I was very young. I have so many ideas of things to use this fabric for! Absolutely beautiful!!!
Such beautiful fabric!! My childhood influence is to avoid daggy fabric, lol.
I have fabrics from the 60's very similar to these in my personal collection.
Wow, I would love to win this beautiful fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!
Mary Malone
mary and russ at wi dot rr dot com
My oldest sister was the seamstress in our house growing up. I remember she made her prom dress. She is 15 years older than me and I idolized her when I was little. (still do!) One year she made us matching swimsuits, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven! If I win, I'll split the prize with her. Maybe we can make matching purses or something!
My great grandmother lived w/ us and I learned to sew from her and my mom - so I tend towards traditional but I lately love moving out of that comfort zone.
My mother was always sewing. So that is where I have learned it. She also was a creative women, tried to make her own clothes and home decoration. I love you fabric, and I should like to win the giveway. greetings from Liesbeth
no tropical island for me...but my mom sewed our clothing growing up, and she was one of the very first home sewers for Vera Bradley, so I definitely grew up with the sound of a sewing machine! in fact, my first quilt, at 14, was scraps for our childhood clothing. love JP.
My grandma taught me to crochet and my aunt taught me to crosstitch. My mom sewed, but not for enjoyment, only hemming. She never showed me how.
I had an aunt who sewed all my clothes for me. I was sickly as a child, and very, very thin & RTW clothes didn't fit. She began to teach me at a young age, and I've been sewing ever since. Thanks for the chance to win.
I grew up in the country and it was relatively remote area when I was young. My grandmother and aunt sewed exquisitely, knitted and cooked. I think I learnt by watching them.
Very inspiring video and Happy Land is such a gorgeous line. It's just a shame it will not be distributed to Europe.
Very inspiring video and Happy Land is such a gorgeous line. It's just a shame it will not be distributed to Europe.
I would love to win this give-away. I learned to quilt in high school with my mom. Things I learned then still influence how I quilt and the patterns I prefer now. Thank you for this chance to win. Take care and God bless, Cory
The fabric is so beautiful. And I hope that I will win something
My mom is a great cook, but not a crafter... but ahhhhh, my wonderful Grandma Aggie... now she was a seamstress! She would sew up a storm, and every year make me a beautiful Easter dress as well as Christmas dress. She instilled in me the love of sewing, altho she didn't quilt. But I think my love of fabric and quilting came from her influences in my life and watching the creativeness in her nimble fingers. Thanks for the chance to win some BEAUTIFUL Jennifer Paganelli fabrics! She IS so creative!
Thank you for this series. I would love to be able to create something with these gorgeous fabrics.
I have been sewing since I was 5 years old, fifty eight years later still sewing. Sheila from 610 sew sheila sew blog site.
I have been sewing since I was 5 years old and 58 years later I am still sewing. Sheila at 610 Sew Sheila Sew blog site.
i did not live in a foreign country, but i think my crafting and quilting is influenced by my home in new mexico- it is very sparse and uses a lot of neutrals, with small bits of bright color.
What an amazing giveaway! I love everything Jennifer Paganelli! Thank you for the chance to win such a generous giveaway!
Thanks for the chance!:)
My mom always sewed for me growing up and inspired the love of sewing in me as well. Thanks for the chance to win!
Both my grandmothers quilted and I have special memories of watching them quilt by hand. Their work was amazing and led me to begin sewing. I have a quilt that both grandmothers worked on. One pieced the quilt and the other quilted it. It is a flower basket quilt and very special to me.
I actually have be sewing off and on most of my life but two years ago I took a quilting class and made my first quilt for my first grandbaby. I have completed 10 quilts now. Can't wait to do the next one.
I never traveled in my youth and have not traveled much as I have aged. I imagine the inspiration you have to look at is amazing.
Thanks for the chance to see and possibly win some of your fabrics.
I think everyone in my family does something crafty or artistic in some way. My great grandfather was a ventriloquist and there are a lot of artists too. My grandmother is excellent at embroidery and I know I've learnt so much from her. My mum is an excellent knitter and also has made some amazing screen print fabric - not sure I've inherited those skills though!
Jennifer creates beautiful fabric :)
I am very blessed to come from a long line of hand-crafters of all sorts! There is no doubt the regular exposure and inspiration from each of them influences my creativity today. For that I am most grateful and hope to pass on the art and love for it to my own children.
Thanks for the amazing giveaway! :)
Wonderful fabric. Such a talented lady!
I grew up in a big Victorian house that was built by my great, great grandfather, full of antiques and chintz and cabbage roses on the walls. My grandmother mended everything, including her stockings, though, oddly, she never sewed anything new.
Love her fabric! My grandma sewed for me when I was little and unfortunate it wasn't until after her death that I took it up. :-(
Yep, I get my crafty, sewing roots come from my Mom :-) Such Beautiful Fabric, Thank You for a chance to win it!
My father opened a fabric store in the late 50's. Being around all the wonderful fabrics was amazing. At the age of 10 I begged my mother to send me to sewing lessons and I have been sewing ever since. Jennifer's fabrics are absolutely gorgeous!
Oooh Jennifer, I am beyond excited about this range! I hope I am allowed to enter from all the way over in Perth, Western Australia! I come from a long line of seamstresses, the skill has been passed down from generation to generation on my Mum's side. As a child I used to visit my Nana on her farm and play with the Barbie clothing my mother and her sisters hand stitched - believe it or not, they were actually tailored! My Mum went on to study fashion design and my Aunty Robyn is currently one of Adelaide's most in demand pattern makers. I started late myself, after suffering a personal loss. Sewing took me away to a place where everything was happy and now a few years later, it is still my favourite place to be. Sewing with fabric I love is my idea of heaven. The smell of the fabric when it arrives, the feel and the bright fresh colours going through my machine. I sew for a living but sometimes I feel like I am tricking everyone because how many people love what they do as much as I do?
Would make some beautiful dresses for my two Grand daughters!
Every new line is my favorite from Jennifer Paganelli. I'm her biggest fan.
I love Jennifer Paganelli's fabrics!
My family was not a crafty one. I am a product of the 70s, and the youngest of 5 sisters - bright colors, fabric mixing, and hand-me-downs were my world. Today I still use those concepts when making clothes for kids. Upcycling, using bold contrasting colors, and just having fun makes for some pretty great pieces.
I love the Happy Land range! The colours and design are just gorgeous! Thanks for the great giveaway! xKate
Would make my two beautiful grand daughters some beautiful dresses!
my nana had a seamstress shop and made lots of fun outfits for me as a girl. i definitely think of her every time i sew! love these fabrics, thanks for the chance!
My childhood definitely inspires how I sew!! Especially when I'm sewing for my little girl!!! :)
I love Sis Bloom!!! :)
my mother is a dressmaker. it makes her so happy to see us crafting too!
Thank you for this giveaway!! I'd say that yes, my sewing today is influenced by my childhood. My nanna *great great grandmother) taught me to hand stitch and my grandma taught me how to machine piece. I sure have come a long way since then!! My mamma is REALLY crafty and creative. Its nice to be able to chat with her about it.
Thank you for the chance to win!
I grew up fairly crafty and enjoyed trying new things. I got back into sewing about 12 years ago, and REALLY got back into it about 5 years ago.
I've been greatly influenced by crafters all my life. My mom taught me to knit, sew, and quilt. My dad liked to draw and I inherited his skill and talent. Both grandmothers quilted. And my great-grandmother was a quilter and I have 1 of her quilts in my home.
Wow what a very generous giveaway the fabrics are truly divine xxx
My Mom never sewed, in fact we had a sewing bin where we were to put all of our clothes that needed mending and she eventually threw them out when we outgrew them LOL!
But she did buy me my first sewing machine! This would be great to start a new project!!
I learnt to sew from mum when I was 8 and she's a great teacher with so much skills and knowledge.
When i put together my design it is based on the fabric choice. What would this fabric look good and what does it make me feel, what memory does it conjures up. So emotions is generally the factor that makes me decide on a fabric.
I grew up in a crafty family. We always made all of our gifts. I still feel like I have to make everything. I am busy on multiple projects all the time. I love making things from bits of leftovers too.
I am a huge JP fan and am so excited with each new collection she designs. To say I would be excited to win some of the new fabrics is an understatement! :)
Gorgeous - I'd love to create with these!
Oh my!!!! Happy Land.... yay!
Yay...Happy Land!
Beautiful fabric.
Jennifer's designs are always so happy! I would love a chance to win! Thank you!
I remember my mom sewing some as I was growing up and I loved it as soon as I finished my first project. What a thrill it was to turn random shapes into a dress!!! I did ask my mom if my grandmother sewed too and she said yes! I always feel her closer to both of them when I am working on a project. Nowadays, I love to make clothing and quilts with Jennifer's fabric!!! It is amazing!!!
Happy Home AND Happy Land yardage - that is my dream combination! Please, please, please pick me :)
I would love to win this! I love everything Jennifer does :)
I remember my Mom and my aunt taking me shopping in Cincinnati for smocked dresses. They oooohed and aaaahed over the smocking. I think that is what led me, 25 years later, to take up smocking and sewing for my little girls. Thanks for the giveaway! j-j-s AT juno DOT com
My beautiful grandma sewed the majority of my dresses for kindergarten back in 1970. If I had known then all of the creativity and love she put into them, I would have never let them go! I was lucky that my grandma was at my 8th grade fashion show where I was awarded the sewing award. (I think the teacher just like me since I was nice to her.) Now over 30 years since 8th grade, I am sewing again with a vengeance. I'm attempting clothing again and can't wait for my first quilting class. ... all because of Grandma.
Oh I just LOVE Jennifers gorgeous fabrics <3 xxx
Wow. I want to win this giveaway. It is great! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Oh, I would love to win this! I'm teaching our Belgian exchange student how to sew, and pillowcases are our next project. These gorgeous 1-yard cuts would be perfect!
What a amazing give-away!! Love the fabric and the book so much. Though my mum isn't creative person, she learned me to sew in my childhood. I'm so thankfull for that.
I have seen quilting by various aunts, that was so beautifull.
What an amazing giveaway!
I grew up in New Zealand with a mother that did sew. I love anything that reminds me of my childhood. I think that's why I love Jennifer Pagnelli because of all the bright colours that remind me of some of the dresses I had as a child.
Happy Land is such a Beautiful Collection!! I pretty much taught myself all the Crafts I do today, and Love them all especially sewing.
Thanks for the Chance!!
I grew up with my mom & grandma who could sew, knit, paint, you name it they could do it, oh and mom was also a professional cake decorater and hair dresser. She taught others adults but not great @ teaching me. I enjoyed watching. While on college a floor mate quilted by hand, again I caught myself watching. So from then on I was going to quilt. Received my 1st machine Christmas 2010 and haven't stopped since. Always trying something harder with my next project. Thank you for a great contest! :-)
My grandmother was the sewer in the family and my sister and I spent every day in the summer with her and slept in her spare bedroom with the most beautiful, soft Dresden plate quilt on the bed. It was that quilt that made me start to sew. My grandmother had stopped quilting by the time I was in high school but she was absolutely my best teacher when I had Home Ec and I wouldn't have been able to sew my Home Ec skirt without her! Every time I see a Dresden plate quilt, I think of her.
Thanks for the chance to win some gorgeous fabric; I've been away from sewing for a few years and anxious to start honing my skills again.
shel704 at aol dot com
I've never lived anywhere remotely exotic! But my mum sewed dresses for me so I think I watched her and now sew for my family. I do it more for enjoyment and to be creative more than to be practical and save money! I hope I am inspiring my young family to be creative too
My mother made my sister and I take sewing lessons at our local Singer store when we were about 10 years old. At the time we weren't that interested but now it consumes us. I have been a fan of Jennifer and my go to book for sewing girls' clothing is Girl's World and my granddaughters love all the bright fabrics.
My mother sewed quite a lot of clothing for my sisters and me. My father was also a big crafter. he did a lot of woodworking and even some beadwork and rug making. My grandparents also handhooked rugs and quilted.
Traveling when we were kids was mostly to rural Pa to see our grandparents. We loved hanging out in the attic and looking at all the "old " stuff. I now realize those were antiques and I really do love anything vintage.
I love Jennifer's creativity and hope she continues for a long time
My taught me to knit and a neighbor lady taught me to hand stitch. Hand stitching is still my favorite.
What a great giveaway. I love crafting with and for my daughters and this would be so inspirational for us. Thanks.
I learned to knit from a neighbor when I was living in a campground over the summer, but my first crafty love was cross-stitch. It was something I could share with my mom, which was wonderful.
We did all sorts of crafty things, which holds true now even if I am more focused on cross-stitch, knitting and a smattering of sewing and my mom is mostly focused on painting!
I have always lived in Rhode Island and I believe my preferences to color, style and pattern no doubt reflect all of the history in this part of the country - New England. My grandfather owned a 'yard goods' store in the early 1900 and in the same town that I have resided in for some 35 years. Two generations later, I as well sell fabric but on Etsy. There are a number of artist like cousins within the family and no doubt it come from Agustine who immigrated from Canada and married Angelina. I do adore Jennifer Paganelli's fabrics all of them and scoop them up whenever I find them. Her patterns bring me back to my own childhood in the 60s. Thanks for this grand giveaway.
Would love to win this!!!
I love Jennifer's fabrics! Excited to see her newest line.
My mother sews, knits and crochets so crafting was always around me. Lovely giveaway - thanks!
Yes I grew up around creativity. My brothers and I each had our own craft station in our basement beside my mom's sewing room. My mom can do it all from sewing to knitting/crocheting. My dad was a woodworker and could build anything. My brother's built rockets and took after my dad and I have taken after my mom. I started sewing with 4-H when I was 9 and continue to love the art. I lived in a rural district in Alberta but have always been lucky to travel and often a trip to a fabric store/yarn store. was involved in family holidays and it definitely is always on my agenda now.
My Mom made my clothes, My Grandmother was a seamstress and My Great Aunt made curtains for the Governors mansion. I came from a long line of creative ladies. I admire all of them for their abilities to sew such beauty with the simplest Singer machines. Now I sew as my part time income to assist with adoption fees plus I make all the linens in our house plus upholster furniture. I think its safe to say, creativity was bred into me early. I love Jennifer Paganelli and would love this book!
I watched from the side lines as my mother sewed at home, it was simple piece-meal work to sew labels in clothes, she was paid pennies in the 1970s in northern England. She also made our clothes, I remember a bright orange polyester-scratchy maxi-dress- I was so embarrassed at the time, as to me it said 'poor'. My mother never learned to share her skills, either baking or sewing, I think she was too afraid of us children making a mess or breaking something. So my aunt taught me to crochet , my school taught me to sew. I am a self-taught cook, quickly learning the basics in my first year at university aged 18, and still eating mainly vegetarian all these years later, with Jamie, Nigella & Bill Granger my favs. As for sewing, I am back after 25 years, now live in Sydney Australi and sharing my (limited) skills with my 8 year old daughter, who has iced cupcakes since she was knee high. This year, I bought a new Janome machine & she uses it with as much glee as I do. We have Jennifer's 'Girls World', Penelope bag is in construction on my table now, spring is around the corner & we have inspiration for new dresses ! Ps I just bought her Christmas present, an Elna mini sewing machine, just like Mummy's, she will be so please :) Love & Joy, Karen & Olivia
17 anratelwould love to have a book, thanks for the giveaway. (^-^)
My mother sewed everything. (She even darned my grandfather's socks!)So, I grew up in a house where creativity was a mainstay :O) My son is the terribly creative one now...
Happy fabric = happy sewer = happy home! Oh sew lovely!
I just love Her work and love the video on Her too. Thanks for a try at winner some of Her beautiful fabric.
Love these fabrics! My grandmother taught me to sew and to knit. I still use her old Singer sewing machine, which was manufactured in the early 1950's!
I first learned to sew from my mom, and then took Home Ec in school! I'm very passionate about sewing, and love to sew for my family. Thank you for the opportunity to win!
I am a huge fan of Jennifer Paganelli! Her books are beautiful and her fabric is inspirational. Thank you for this opportunity!
I've adored her fabrics for years! I would love to win :)
Have a fabulous day,
Both of my parents were creative, crafty people. Whether it was building things in every room, designing and sewing my clothes, or crafting, there was always something crafty going on at home. As a result, I've crafted and sewed throughout my adult life. Now my daughter sews and crafts, too. I cannot wait to see what my granddaughter will create as she grows!
I'm already envisioning clothes for my adorable granddaughter. Some of the fabric will go to my daughter for the beautiful purses she creates.
I have been an avid fan of Jennifer's work for about 5 years. She creates artwork with her fabric patterns in a way that is in a class all it's own!
I adore Jennifer's fabrics and patterns....what a great giveaway!!!
this fabric is beautiful!
I did a lot of crafting as a kid and taught my self how to sew. I have girls of my own who want to learn how to sew as well. I love that my daughter wants a sewing machine for Christmas.
I love Jennifer's designs, they are so bright and beautiful with a vintage flare.
My mum used to make all her own clothes although she didn't teach me this - she taught me to knit but a left hander teaching a right hander is quite tricky so I taught myself crochet from a book which I find more fun. I enjoyed needlework at school but dropped it for O-level as our martonly teacher was a bit touchy-feely with us so I did art instead. I am making up for it now with lots of patchworking and hand sewing!
Fabric is my addiction! And vintage my favorite!! Thank you Jennifer Paganelli and Free Spirit! What a great give away!
childhood influence for quilting... the LOVE of fabric!! all the colors - how it felt - and best of all... when i got to use it!! jennifer's fabric is perfect for what i love to do. i hope to win and use it ALL right up.
Thanks you so much for all your great fabric and designs. I would love to WIN but if not I will always enjoy all your beautiful designs and fabrics
Carol H
I loved the things my mom would sew for me and love being able to make clothes for my children!
My mother used to sew in the evenings, on the kitchen table, while listening to the radio. I remember the smell of the iron, the hum of the machine and the snip of scissors. She taught me to sew and to this day, I compare my sewing with hers, which was always perfect.
Place has not really affected my sewing - I grew up in Canada but lived 20 years in Ecuador, where I sewed tons of stuff for my kids and my home.
This is a wonderful giveaway. Thank you. Jennifer's designs are fabulous and her book will be stunning!
My mom was an excellent seamstress and I was a terribly skinny and short kid. Clothes in my size were all designed for children much younger than I--in 5th grade, I was trying on outfits with Winnie the Pooh on them. Horrible. So my mom, who worked full time as an RN, basically made my entire wardrobe for years. Without complaint--I am ashamed to say I complained about being fitted.
Now I see clearly what a loving gift each item was. And I carry on the tradition in my own way, making quilts for the people I love, looking for opportunities to remind them that they are special enough to receive the gift of "homemade".
Happy Land and Happy Home needs to find it's way to my home!! I am a self taught quilter and sewer, but I was lucky enough to be taught embroidery by my grandma!!
Thanks to my mother's creativity I learned to craft and sew when I was very young. My sewing time is my time to get creative, relax and enjoy whatever I'm working on and free my mind from the everyday chaos. Jennifer's fabrics are gorgeous and she's quite the amazing desiger, it sounds like the best job in the world.
My mother despised sewing and told me if I wanted to learn how to sew then I had better pay attention in home ec classes ! I can't say home ec was all that helpful but the internet has been a wonderful teacher, along with books like Jennifer's.
love happy land, the name just makes me smile. would use this for my kitchen.
My mom taught me to sew as a kid. We made doll clothes and pieced quilt tops to sell. I made all of my clothes in high school, and I still enjoy sewing as I'm now sewing for my grandkids.
I grew up a Southern girl, and we always enjoyed all kinds of crafting.
I hope to get back to quilting in the near future.
I love anything Jennifer Paganelli does! She is so talented.
My mother sewed all the time, she crocheted when she wasn't sewing. both of my sisters were good at doing both but not me. Then I revisited both of the crafts and that was just a beginning for me. Thanks for a chance to win
Growing up, our house was very home-y and country. And I still love that style of quilt...traditional and comfy. Log cabin, wedding ring, etc.
joan d, of jmd designs, my boxes look the the best in JP fabrics, they are my favorite!!!Been crafting since I was a kid, with the neighbors.
My parents were artists so I grew up in a house of colour and textures. My grandmother taught me to sew simple clothes and embroidery. I guess all those experiences add up to my love of playing with wonderful colourful fabric. I love Jennifer Paganelli and am so excited about Happy Land!!! Thank you for such a great give away!!
My Mother sewed everything, and I learned to sew at age 12. That was 50 yrs ago, I'm surprised to say!!! I have sewn my own clothing, my bridal gown, winter coats, curtains, drapes, upholstery, my kids clothes, Halloween outfits - you name it. Then I started crafting for gifts and to sell. Then I started quilting, and that's where I am now, with the exception of sometimes crafting and cardmaking. I love Jennifer and all her fabric lines. Would love to win this - thank you for the chance!
My mother taught me to try anything in crafting and sewing. She lived the adage that there are no mistakes in art. Thanks for the chance to win!
ooh yummy, what a lovely giveaway and yes please :)
I have lived all over America, and some parts of the world,too. I learned a needlework technique everywhere!
My favorite place is where I live now, the deep South. It is here that
I practice my favorite sewing - smocking and heirloom sewing.
I am truly Blessed!
Chris D.
Would love to win a giveaway. I have been sewing for 38 years. Since I was 8 years old and love every minute of it.
I have been sewing since a young child. I think sewing must be a hereditary gene. My grandma sewed, although she never showed me how to sew or encouraged me. I have been sewing since I was a child. Other children would be outside playing, I would be inside sewing. I have to be sewing and designing it is just part of me. Sheila Fulks from: 610 Sew Sheila Sew. PS. I would love to win the book!
Hope I am not too late. I would love to win!
After taking 10 years of sewing in 4-H and up through tailoring in high school, I was pretty much a matchy and get it right gal. Quilting has loosened me up and now I am not quite as picky as I used to be (although I still have trouble keeping myself from matching plaids!)
Bev (
Such a pretty fabric. Thanks for the great giveaway! :)
Gorgeous fabric that adds joy to whatever project it's used for.
Amazing fabric! I have been sewing for 15 years, I am now addicted to fabric....
Gorgeous fabrics that make every project I create a masterpiece!!
Beautiful fabrics that enhance every project you create with them.
Alaughaday at earthlink dot net
Love Jennifer! Love her fabrics!!
Pick me please!!
Love Jennifer! Love her fabrics!
Pick me please!
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