Sweet Tooth Block Instructions
[1] 2 1/2" green square
[4] 2 1/2" white squares
[2] 4 1/"2 x 2 1/2" white rectangles
[2] 2" red squares
1. Using a pencil, draw a line from corner to opposite corner on the wrong side one 2" red square. Repeat to other 2" red square.
2. With right sides together, place one 2" red square on top of one 2 1/2" white square (see picture). Stitch on the drawn line. Repeat to with other 2" red square to make two units.
3. Trim seam to 1/4" and press open.

4. Lay your block out -- use the picture as a guide.
5. Using a 1/4" seam allowance, sew your block together.
6. Press seams open.
Megan Bohr
Canoe Ridge Creations

Now I am very curious as to the final quilt pattern as the sweet tooth doesn't look like the series of present blocks. It is cute and simple enough that I know can make it. Thanks CanoeRidge!
This is wonderful. I think this would make a great table runner. Just add a little embrodiery on the longer whites and fun, fun.
Thank you for sharing.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
So simple and effective - thank you for this one - I can see it becoming the front of a drawstring gift bag :) Fun stuff!
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