Fabric lets you meet the greatest and most creative people, like Rachel from
Stitched in Color. She has been hosting an on-line tutorial called
LouLouthi Tiles, featuring
Anna's LouLouthi Fabric. The Anna Needlearts size 8 pearl cotton collections are the perfect compliment to her new fabric and just right for hand quilting. Now through Wednesday, July 27, visit
Rachel's blog and comment to win a set of Anna's Pearl Cotton in either the Geranium Wall or Reflecting Pool colorways. But before you go, tell us about your hand stitching experiences and why you would love to receive one of
Anna's new floss or pearl cotton collections. We just might pick a winner too.

Wow! Pearl Cotton is a favorite... I learned to do Hardanger Embroidery and have made some beautiful pieces. If I won either of the colourways I would embroider on my quilts to jazz things up. Thanks for the chance!
Have always loved hand work, even as a young girl I always had some embroidery in my hand. I started with cross-stitch and moved on to hardanger cut work. So glad to see pearl cotton being used in my new love, quilting. Would love to add this collection to my stash.
While I have cross-stitched and embroidered, I have never done a full quilt by the hand-quilting method that Anna does. I would definitely try if I had these, because the colors are wonderful!
I love embroidery as an 'away from home' project. When my husband and I spend 5 months in the Netherlands, I always take along embroidery to fill in some of my spare time alone. Kathie L in Allentown
I love the way handstitching, especially in perle cotton, makes a quilt feel that much more HOMEMADE and HAND made. It's just a cozy touch. I would love to expand my color palette of perle!
I love to handquilt, but have not tried using Pearl Cotton to do it. I would love to give it a try. I am also hoping to learn hand embroidery this year. These colors are gorgeous.
I love to hand quilt and would love to work with some of these pearl cottons.
As a little girl, my Mom taught me to embroider tea towels. I did some cross stitched projects when I got a bit older. Then I made a crazy quilt block for a family quilt a few years ago and just LOVED doing the different embroidery stitches. I would really love to do more of that type of embroidery and I'm very excited to to try these threads for hand quilting, which had never occurred to me before.
I've done some cross-stitch, but haven't explored other needlework yet. I'm loving the look of the pearl cotton for embellishing quilting and bags.
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