This is my first time to your site, but it looks great! Nice sharp pictures. -Rachel
We used RANDOM to determine our winner so we wouldn't be burdened with the task, so congratulations Rachel!! Comment with you e-mail so we can get your address.
We thought it would be good to answer some questions people had while commenting about our new FreeSpirit website.
One comment someone said:
My only wish is that you had that info available for older lines (that way it's easier for me to figure out what I need to track down!) :)
Oh but you can! And this is how you get there! When you are on the homepage and click on 'Our Fabric' you can then click on 'Recent collections'. This brings you to all of the past lines that have been out for awhile or are on closeout. So there is still a place on the website you can go to look at all of these great lines, we just wanted to keep them separate from our current lines.
Ok, on to a few more tid-bits that might help you navigate our website.
We have a 'Your Favorites' section you can go to that allows you to select your favorite swatches and then lets you print these out. Why is this useful? If you are a shop owner you can select everything you want to buy, print them out, then place your order with customer service or your local rep. If you are a sewer, this allows you to select what you want to use for a project, then print the swatches out and bring the print-out to your local quilt shop and easily snag what you are looking for.

Congratulations Rachel! I love the "favorites" on your site.
Wow! I need to stop complaining about not winning anything! Thank you. My e-mail is rachel(underscore)pantos(at)yahoo(dot)com
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