Tied with a Ribbon
Read all pattern
instructions before starting
¼ inch seam allowance
Size - 20½in x 20½in
Requirements - ½yd (45cm) Background fabric (Glacier)
Fat ¼ or 20cm each of 4 Prints
Fat ¼ or 20cm each of 4 Solids
(Cornflour, Sweet Pea, Taffy, Agean)
6in (15cm) Binding
24in x 24in of Batting
½yd (45cm) Backing fabric
Machine sewing thread
Erasable marking pen
Rotary Cutter, ruler and mat
General sewing supplies
Size 20 Cushion Insert
From the Background fabric, cut 16 – 3in x 3in
squares and 16 – 3½in x 3½in squares
From each Print cut 4 – 3½in x 3½in squares
From each Solid fabric colour cut 4 - 3½in x
3½in squares
From the Binding fabric cut 2 – 2½in strips for
the binding
From the Backing Fabric cut 2 – 16½in x 20½in
Cut Fabrics as per cutting instructions.
To make 1 Star Block you will need the
following – 4 Background fabric 3in squares, 4 Background fabric 3½in squares,
4 – 3½in fabrics squares from 1 print and 4 – 3½in fabrics from a solid fabric.
To make the centre pinwheel block - draw a
diagonal line from corner to corner on the wrong side of 2 of the same 3.5in
square prints using your erasable marker. Place a marked square on top of the
solid print with right sides together. Pin to hold
Sew down each side of the marked line using a ¼in
seam. Cut through the diagonal of the
square on the marked line and press seam towards the darker fabric. Repeat for the other pair of squares.
Trim these squares to 3in. This will make 4 HST (Half Square Triangles)
units in total.
To make the outside star points – take the 2
remaining squares from print 1, the 2 remaining squares from the solid print
and the 4 – 3½in Background fabric squares.
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on each of the fabric prints. Pair each up with a Background fabric square
and pin to hold.
Sew down each side of the marked line using a ¼in
seam. Cut through the diagonal of the
square on the marked line and press seam towards the darker fabric. Repeat for the other 3 squares. This will make 8 – HST units in total.
Layout the following fabrics to make the rows
Row 1 – Background
fabric 3in square, Solid/ Background fabric HST, Background fabric /Print HST,
Background fabric 3in square.
Row 2 – Background
fabric /Print HST, Print/Solid HST, Print/Solid HST, Solid/ Background fabric
Row 3 - Background
fabric /Solid HST, Solid/Print HST, Solid/Print HST, Print/ Background fabric
Row 4 - Background
fabric 3in square, Print/ Background fabric HST, Background fabric/Solid HST,
Background fabric 3in square.
Arrange the star so
that the same colour print matches up at the points.
Sew each of the 4 squares in each row together
pressing alternate rows in the opposite direction. This will mean that when you sew up each row
the seams will “nest” and lay nice and flat.
Press rows downwards. Your block
will measure 10.5in (unfinished)
Repeat steps 2-8 to make a total of 4 star
10. Sew up the
squares of your pillow by sewing each of the 2 Blocks together the make a
row. Press the seams in the same
direction. Sew each of the rows together
pressing alternate rows in the same direction.
Baste and Quilt your Pillow top – centre the
pillow top over the batting, pin to baste then Machine quilt your pillow
top. Trim Batting to size
12. To make the
Envelope Back – take the backing rectangles, fold down the backing fabric ½in
down from the 20½in end. Press in
place. Now turn over and pin this folded
edge down 1in, pin and press in place.
Machine stitch down both the folded edges to hold in place. Repeat this for the second backing piece. Take
your completed cushion top and the completed back envelope panels. Place the Front of your cushion down onto the
bench (so you can see the wadding), place your first back panel on top of the
wadding facing you, matching the raw edges of the side of your cushion front
and the raw short edge of your backing.
Then lay your second backing piece down along the opposite raw edge also
so that the right side is facing you.
Pin around the outside edges and sew these three layers together by
sewing just in from the raw edges to hold in place to make it easier to sew on
your binding.
13. Take the
binding strips and join them end to end.
Press the seam open. Then press
the entire strip in half lengthways with wrong sides facing. Start about half of the way along one side of
the pillow, sew the binding strip to the right side of the pillow, mitring the
corners as you go. Stop about 6in from
where you started. Join the ends and cut
off excess. Continue sewing the binding
to the pillow top. Fold over the binding
and slip stitch into place along the back-seam line.
Thank you from Jemima Flendt, Tied with a Ribbon
- @tiedwitharibbon
- https://www.facebook.com/Tiedwitharibbon/