Tell us if you share any of these facts with Anna to be entered into win 10 yards of fabric from her new Folk Song collection!
Congratulations to Jessica who also shares the love of coffee with Anna! Stay tuned for more great giveaways from our other amazing FreeSpirit designers!

1 – 200 of 473 Newer› Newest»It's very strong, very hot coffee for me every morning too! And the Black Keys are also on my iPod.
Thanks, Anna Maria, for sharing these!
What a fun list! I'm afraid I don't have too much in common with this list- except that I've gotten an A on an art project before. I'm pretty boring compared to AMH I think! Lol!
I enjoy wine!
I loved reading this...and my iPod is filled with the exact same artists! ...and at one time, I was one of those colorful haired punk kids... :-)
Fun facts! My husband and I weren't legally old enough to drink when we got married either! I also got many an A in school, including in my art classes.
I also drink hot, black coffee in the morning! Thanks for sharing these fun facts!
well I drink very strong coffee and I had plenty of wine at my wedding also :)
Love all her fabric lines!
I am also starting a new day with strong, black, hot coffee :-) Regards Urszula
I also enjoyed lots of wine at my wedding ;)
I've painted with potatoes before, but didn't think I was cool enough/ good enough to take an Art class in high school. Now I love to paint and am continually inspired by your colors and designs!
Your birthday is the same as my wedding anniversary- and it was officially the hottest day of that summer (in Cambridge, where we did the deed). It was brutal. -madfabriholic at gmail dot com
I am also still in weekly touch with a beloved teacher (5th grade) and your IPOD and my IPOD could be friends.
Hmmm, I share #3 and #9 with Anna Maria :)
WE share a couple, 3 and 8.
Sounds like we have similar tastes in music. If you haven't' heard of them, you should check out Midlake. They are pretty awesome.
I wish I could drink coffee straight up, but I need cream. The only time I drink it black is if there isn't any milk or if the only option is powder. Eww.
Unfortunately I don't share any of these things with Anna Maria :(
I once got an A, too!
I have a love for prince too. And wine. B
Prince! Yes... Me too.
3 and 9, fo sho. and my bday is August 9. my dad still tells stories about how swollen my mom was!
I would always rather make clothes than a painting! Paintings aren't nearly exhibitionist enough for that and the Black Keys
I love all the bands she listed! And I love AMH's work.
Great facts! I was also not old enough to drink at my wedding, but had no alcohol there. I also listen to Radiohead and White Stripes. Thanks for the chance to win!
Although not for running :) my iPod too has plenty of Radiohead, White Stripes, Racontours, Jack White (from Detroit area and fan of the white stripes before they hit it big) Black keys and Prince
Love reading more about you. We have 3 in common. 3, 5, and 9
THANKS for sharing
we both love strong black coffee and enjoyed too much wine at our weddings (notice a theme?)
Thanks Anna Maria!
Interesting assortment of facts. :) I had a hard time following the rules in school myself. In Jr. High Home Ec we were supposed to make a pillow, which sounded very boring to me. Instead I made a blouse that consisted of sleeves from one pattern, body from another, and collar from yet a different pattern.
I enjoyed a lot of wine at my wedding!lol
I love hot black coffee too. I was born in July and I was under the age to drink when I got married too.
Thanks for the trivia, Anna Maria and the opportunity to win your beautiful fabric
I enjoyed a little wine at my wedding reception also. I am also a July baby. Nice to get to know you a little more.
Coffee, yes!
I was born on a 100+ degree day (July 16th) in Idaho. My mom also refers to it as the hottest day she's ever experienced. No air conditioning!
You can never listen to too much Jack White. Doesn't he seem like he'd be so chill in real life?
Loved this post!
What interesting facts! I don't have any in common haha
I love hot black coffee too. I was born in July and I was under the age of drinking when I got married too.
Thank you for the trivia, Anna Maria and the opportunity to win your beautiful fabric.
Your iPod music collection sounds very similar to my collection (though I don't use an iPod, just my phone). And colors in my environment have influenced a design or four...
Coffee, coffee, coffee...similar taste in music and for the bonus...12South!
I actually don't share a single one of these facts with AMH, but that doesn't make me love her gorgeous fabrics any less!
Umm. I WAS a punk with crazy colored hair back in the day and I did enjoy wine while being underage at someone else's wedding.....
Coffee, yes! I run while listening to my iPod, but I'm an alternative child of the 80's!
I have #6 and #9 in common with Anna Maria, and I have many of the same artists in #7 on my iPod (but I am not a runner). I do love all of her fabrics. Fingers crossed. 😊
Your iPod collection sounds very similar to my music collection! I've also had a design influenced by someone's hair color (a most gorgeous shade of teal)
Your playlist matches mine, but It's soda for me...very cold, very big, very coke. :)
I share some of the same artists on my I pod for running
I still talk to my high school art teacher on a regular basis.
I, too, was too young to legally drink alcohol at my wedding... The champagne was delicious! ;)
I wasn't old enough to drink when I got married, either! And when I was, I was pregnant! Thanks for the facts and for the giveaway!
Oh man. I'd love to say the black coffee comment, but I am a lotsa sugar, lotsa cream girl myself! :D
I was barely old enough to drink on my honeymoon and I, too, love Miranda Sings.
Hmmm... I guess I don't have a ton in common with Anna Maria. My running music is an 80's tribute, teenage memories.
All of these artists are on my iPod, too. Gotta love the rock! Thanks for the fun facts and the chance to win these beautiful fabrics :)
You were born on my mother's birthday! No wonder why I love your work so much!!♡
So fun to read these ten things about Anna! I was adoring some violet hair on a gal just this week! I was also married before I could legally drink. We also enjoy some of the same tunes, and I love using fabric and thread as my medium! Thank you, Free Spirit and Anna Maria for making my color palette so inspiring and vibrant! xo
I too enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding! So much so that I introduced my (now ex) husband to my relatives by the wrong name! It was some celebration! Thanks for the memory jog and for sharing your facts and beautiful designs!
Hot coffee is my best friend in the mornings!
Coffee is a must! And I have a wide variety of music on my iPod!
Fun facts!! I was also born in Chicago but in September I think the weather had turned towards fall. And I also wasn't old enough to drink alcohol at my wedding but I do believe there was champagne! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
My grandma drinks strong black coffee and I once told a waitress, "she likes her coffee the way she likes her men." Which was not exactly true but is now the family joke. I would love to win!
Can't say I do but thanks for sharing some cool random facts and I'd love to win some fabric!
Love my morning coffee & listening to Radiohead!
I got an A in art (my favorite subject) and also drank a lot of wine on my wedding day.
Thanks for the opportunity, I love this line of fabric!
I still talk to my high school art teacher as well! What a gift! Would love to win this fabric as I transition from full time office work to part time so that I can focus more time on sewing + creative projects with my little boy!
I don't actually share a single one of these funnily enough, but they are all quite endearing. :)
I too was born in Chicago, albeit in February, on perhaps the coldest day of the year.
I still talk to my high school art teacher as well! What a gift! I'd love to win this as I make the transition from full time office work to part-time in order to focus on sewing/creative projects + be with my little boy!
Drinking very strong,very black, very hot black coffee is what we have in common! Fingers crossed for those 10 yards of fabric!
I too was born in Chicago, albeit in February, on perhaps the coldest day of the year.
I was also married before I was legally able to drink.
I don't share any of these traits with her, but I think Anna Maria is awesome. :)
Strong, black coffee for me as well...though I'll sometimes have it iced depending on my mood. Also, wine + wedding (though I was of age). And I'm pretty sure I've gotten an A somewhere, some time! =)
Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway!
We share none of these traits Anna (I can't run, met my sweetheart at 29, strong tea in the morning) but I do know we both love our colour, fabric and family. It was awesome to take a class with you at QuiltCon. Hope that you come visit us in Sydney, Australia x
I love strong coffee too! I also enjoyed lots of wine at my wedding too :)
Yes - lots of hot coffee every morning! And I would think that in addition to all the White and Black on your ipod there would be some Pink :)
I also enjoyed many glasses of wine at my wedding! Adore your fabric and stories Anna Maria, thanks for sharing!!
I was born in Chicago, too, and I want to know which colorway is based on the punk kids!
I once sewed handmade paper together to make a kind of paper quilt as a final for an art class. I also got an A but unfortunately I don't get to talk to any of my old art teachers. I think of Anna as an art teacher
I have to start the day with coffee too (although mine is weak and white!). Fun facts!
I don't share any of those facts with Anna Maria! But I do love her fabric very much....
Love my coffee hot strong but with creamer!
I got an A in high school - although not in art ;)
I'd like to report that the running tracks are the same but I don't run, I'd like to add that I printed fabric and talk to my teacher, but that would be untrue too. My wedding was alcohol free, my kids are all grown up and I take my coffee with milk. But I make such beautiful things with AMH fabric and I would love to have the chance to make some more. Thank you, let's celebrate the differences!
I love my hot coffee...all day long!
Thanks for sharing!
I drank a lot of wine at my wedding, too, although confess it was cheap "sparkling" wine; and I was already 2 years legal. That was a long time ago. :-)
Haha I had plenty of wine at my wedding!
I was also very young when I married.
I share none of these facts, except that I was born in July.
I love coffee, running and fabric!
I have gotten an A... But not for anything fabric related. I like my coffee strong, daily and hot, but not black.
I share no facts, except that I was born in July.
I'm afraid I can't say that I share any of these facts/traits with you Anna Maria, but I love that you printed you r own fabric for your high school painting project!
Anna and I have similar drinking styles...I can only drink strong, hot, black coffee and I, too, enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding. ;)
I share almost none of them! Tea, not coffee, married pretty old, didn't know what I wanted to do for ages -- phew for #7, huh?
I had wild punk hair that would have inspired you back in the day :)
I got an A! Oh and I wasn't old enough to legally drink when I met the love of my life.
I drink coffee too!!! Except it's on ice and has vanilla creamer and sweetener! Still love Anna Maria!
Only number 3 ........I got an A for Art!
judithlynes (at) btinternet (dot com)
I almost share the not legal to drink fact! And looking at hair for inspiration!
My best friend was born on July 31:) Thanks for sharing these facts. I think I love the most first one:)))
I was born on the 20th of July. My Mom said it was the hottest day of her life!!!
I made a quilt a few years back featuring in part a manipulated image I took of a punk kid in Rome because I loved his spiked green hair which was almost a lethal weapon.
It's early morning here in Sydney Australia and I am sipping my very strong, very black, very hot coffee.
I have hear (more than) a few Miranda Sings quotes Every Single Day. So...Gotcha!!
Fun facts, thank you!
xo, meg
I have lot and lots of Prince on my iPod.
Hmm, I also got an A in my high school art class, and I did enjoy wine at my wedding (though I was legally old enough to drink, ha ha).
I have lots and lots of Prince on my iPod.
Love Jack White!
Nope, don't share any of them, but am an English teacher and am on Facebook with three of my first year 10 students whom i taught in 1981.... that's a kind of link?
We just took a cross country road trip and White Stripes, the Black Keys and Prince were played many times! I had a baby in the middle of July and can sympathize with your mother!
I'm with you on the coffee Anna. Need it every morning, or there's trouble.
Radiohead + Coffee!
I also got an A in art and married before I was 21. Thanks for the fun info and for the giveaway!
Very strong, very hot coffee for me too!
Love your fabric!
Fact #8 When my husband & I had our first baby, I wasn't even old enough to drink champagne to celebrate !!! Still together today & stopped at 2:-X babies.Even though 6 + sounds way more fun!!!
Great list!! My kids reenact songs/shows for us very night, love Ben Harper and very strong, very hot coffee is a must!
#1 and #7! Although not exactly! I choose my colour ways from interesting places and I too love the music of Jack. :)
I too got an A in art class. Also I regularly went against the grain by handing in projects that were different then what we we asked! Thanks for sharing these with us Anna Marie!
I'M WITH YOU ON THE COFFEE! I have no idea how anyone has the patience to wait to get to a Starbucks, even if one is nearby, for that first cup of joe. Thanks for the chance to win and for the peek inside your mind!
I too enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding
I drink very strong, very black and very hot black coffee every morning (and afternoon and evening) and I all enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding.
Thank you Anna Maria and Free Spirit for a chance to win this fabulous giveaway!!
I once got an A. We're practically twins, right?
My school did not offer art but both of my daughters took art in high school and we are all friends with the art teacher now! I just received a FQ bundle of Folk Song from Anna Maria in the mail today, but oh how I would love to win 10 Yards!!! Wow!
I wish I shared some facts with you, but no! :)
Thanks for the fun read!
I also was married before I could legally drink alcohol -- many years ago.
Well, we both love some Prince apparently!
We have 6,7,and 9 in common. I have a mad Jack White crush.
That's just how I have my coffee each morning! So fun to learn some new things about you!
Number one! I was once a punk kid with different shades of hair. (And also number four.)
I got a A on something at some point :)
I drink my coffee with lots of milk, but I did get an A--but not in art! One of the few I remember from high school high school was geography...I was super into volcanoes and glaciers and plate tectonics!!
How is it that the only thing I have in common with this post is that I also enjoyed lots of wine at my wedding? I was at least of legal drinking age! I am curious about the punk kid hair color way thing though...Is that in any of the collections we are familiar with?
Colorful inspiration is found in unexpected places. Like hair color.
Your artistry is beautiful!
Well, I was old enough to drink at my wedding but I was the youngest of all my friends to get married! I’m still good friends with one of the art teachers from my high school, I ended up babysitting her kids in college :)
Love my coffee, music when running and I also drank *almost* a little too much wine at my wedding. And just like nearly everyone in the world, I love this fabric line!
I’m good friends with one of the art teachers from my high school - I babysat her kids in college, and she came to my wedding :)
Haha! I enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding, too. :) Thanks for sharing!
When my husband and I got married I was was not legally old enough to drink either but I did anyway.
Thanks for sharing, love the one about using the colors of the kind hair for inspiration.
I too was not old enough to legally drink alcohol when I got married and although it wasn't wine I enjoyed a few drinks on my wedding day!
❤️ such fun!
I also still talk with my college art professors and try to have coffee with them when I go back to my home state. They've continued to be really supportive people in my life. Thanks for sharing all of this about yourself!
I, too, enjoy a cup of strong black coffee.
We share #3 and #8, but I am a few generations moved from you!!
Nope I don't share any of those.
When I was first married I was not legally allowed to drink! Although it was not wine, I too enjoyed plenty of drinks! :)
❤️ such fun! (I'm a cream and sugar girl!)
We share musical taste. I listen to the music you list while sewing with your gorgeous fabric. So happy to see these prints return!
Nothing in common... but I have two friends who got married before they turned 21 :)
The coffee and the wine... ;) Thanks for the chance to win!
I got an A in my high school art class too!
Black Keys, Price, and Radiohead on my iPhone too. Love your list (and your fabric) Anna Maria!
I love love strong black hot coffee! Also love Prince, The Black Keys and Jack White. I also love your fabrics!
I drink very strong, very black, very hot black coffee every AFTERNOON! Tea in the morning. I also made potato prints on fabric in 7th grade and made the fabric into tea towels. I am 48, my Mom still has them!
Well, I got As in school, so I suppose that's what we have in common!
#6: Very strong coffee every morning. I wish that I could share #10 and #1!
I love your music choices! Such a great slice of life.
I got an A in one of my high school art classes. I actually took an art class instead of taking Keyboarding which made for some tough years typing papers. For one of my major projects I made artsy angel wings for a costume!
The playlist on my iPhone is almost identical !
3, 6 & 7! Love AMH and all that she does.
Nope, not much the same. Not even a hot day in July because I live in New Zealand. Drink tea, not coffee. But I do love the colour of hair; once dyed mine with fabric dye, before all the new cool colours were available.
While I wasn't fortunate enough to have an art class in high school, I did get A's on projects where I went my own way a bit! And strong, black coffee is the best!
I also enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding 31 years ago :)
Beautiful fabric, even more beautiful lady!
#5 (albeit in a later year) and #6! Thanks for the giveaway. I love AMH :)
Hmmm, well I was born in the Midwest (Minneapolis) on August 30th, a very hot day according to my mother! Close enough? Also, I know you didn't mention this in your 10 facts, but we're both moms to big families - I'm 41 weeks along with my 7th baby. ;)
I too enjoy very strong, black coffee. I too married before I was legally allowed to drink, and enjoyed my wine. I also have painted on fabric although not for art class, in which I also got an A. I stayed in touch with my teacher too (although she is the home-ec teacher. Does that count?) One more thing we have in common? Lots of kids to sew for!!!
Number 8
I listen to very similar music too ☺ I'm very impressed that you admitted to Prince - many wouldn't and an all time fave of mine. I'd add Kings of Leon, The Killers and Eskimo Joe to to the mix. I'm following from Australia - just goes to show that good music and textiles cross all boundaries 😊 again thanks for sharing
I don't share any of these! Though I wish I thought of printing my own fabric in high school!
I wasn't old enough to drink alcohol at my wedding, either. I don't care for the taste of alcohol, though, so no loss for me. Ben Harper and Radiohead, yeah!
The only similar thing we have is that someone in my house drinks very hot, very black and very strong coffee every morning, but it's not me !!
Apparently we share very little except for the fact that I love her fabrics! I didn't even drink much wine at my wedding b/c I was suffering from a cold and feeling *very* dehydrated!
Fun facts! I don't think I share any of these, which makes me feel very un-cool :-) I love #2, and 3, and 4.
Nope... Sorry to say I don't. At my wedding the waiter asked my bridesmaid if there was a reason I wasn't drinking... I guess that was unusual for him.
Like Anna I take color inspiration from the world around me for my design work
I wasn't old enough to drink when I was married either. Crazy to think about.
Our ipods are pretty similar and I looove using potato stamps?
Coffee for me as well, mornings don't even start without it! Other than that, I was born in a different country, different month, didn't go to art school, never married...
I'm all about the strong coffee, especially a dark roast brewed in a french press ;-)
Thanks for sharing and good to read such normal facts about yourself.. and i have the same with the colors when I see a great one .. will think about the RGB code ..
Black Keys all the way (being I am from Cleveland and they are from Akron), Radiohead yes, Ben Harper yes, White Stripes, Jack White and Prince Yes Yes Yes.
Black hot coffee yes!
Anna Maria Horner Fabrics, Yes, can't get enough!
I got an A ! That 's all I can see in common from those 10 facts :) But we do have the same taste in fabric since I like all yours !!
Coffee! The blacker, the better!
Yes, very strong coffee in the morning and sometimes at night!
Only that I WISH I'd hand-printed fabric in high school and discovered a love of all things handmade as early as this wonderful lady did! I'm playing catch-up and loving every second :-)
I don't have a single one of those things in common with Anna Maria, and I'm kind of bummed about that! It was very entertaining, though!
I also love coffee! Can't live without it actually. :)
What do we have in common? Black Keys, Jack White, Wbite Stripes, Ben Harper...great music!!
I have a similar running mix on my IPod. I also enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding. ;)
I have a similar running mix and I also enjoyed plenty of wine at my wedding. ;)
I can certainly go for listening to prince, radio head, the white stripes, and Ben Harper : )
I've gotten an A before.
So interesting to read! I too enjoyed wine at my wedding. Although I was legal. And I got an Afor textile studies in high school. Fabric has always been my thing.
I am old enough to be your mother, but love coffee, wine and your fabrics. You are very creative and have inspired me to attempt to go beyond what is comfortable. I have a helped a daughter make a dress and bed quilt with your beautiful fabrics. Keep being creative, you inspire us all.
My daughter performs for us almost everyday! I know all of Megan Trainor by now. But what we really share is that I want to make my clothes with her fabric. ;)
The only one I share is #9. But I was plenty old enough to drink all that wine. :-)
None! But I think the world of her and everything she creates. So grateful! -Sarah
Love you, Miss Anna Maria Horner! I share the love for strong, very hot coffee every morning, I also have Radiohead, Black Keys and Prince on my iPod. Thanks for the chance to win! :)
I love that you printed your own fabric for your project. A bit of a foreshadow? :-)
My school didn't have painting classes but I also got A's turning in stuff that should never have gotten an A.
Super fun! I also have the ipod music exercise choices in common :)
Darn, I don't have anything in common with these 10 facts. I do love your fabric though!
Coffee for me as well, mornings don't even start without it! Other than that, I was born in a different country, different month, didn't go to art school, never married...
My little loves the black keys!
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