This scarf is made from Anna Maria Horner's Little Folks Voile collection. In the picture above we used the skus VAH05Meadow and VAH07Meadow. The voile is a very light fabric so this will be perfect for the warmer weather coming up.
Here is how it's made:
The measurements we used were 12" x 72". The size is really up to you. Some people like a thinner scarf so make sure you determine the width you like before you cut. Also, if you just want a small neck scarf, be sure to make it much shorter then 72". What we did is we took the voile, wrapped it around our necks, found our length, then cut.
Once the size is determined and you have cut the fabric out, you simply lay the wrong sides together, and pin all the way around. You are going to leave a 3 inch section unsewn for turning purposes.
Do not be scared to sew on the voile. It does not bunch in the machine and glides through the machine very well. Use the length and tension you would use for a basic cotton fabric. Sew around the entire piece with a 1/2" seam. Again, be sure to leave a 3 inch section unsewn.
After sewing around the scarf, clip the four corners-be sure not to clip through your stitches. Now, with the opening, begin pulling the right side of the fabric through. Iron the scarf flat and simply hand stitch the section you left open. You now have a simple, but great scarf!
There are many ways to embellish your scarf if you choose to do so. You can add beading for a little sparkle and/or some basic hand stitches with embroidery thread would look pretty as well.
We would love to see pictures of what you have created so send them our way...and Happy St. Patrick's Day!